October 29th Developer Update - Inventory Manager (Beta)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Loren, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    Zombie Slayer just released a new Inventory Manager feature to help you easily manage inventory items and measure the impact of adding or removing items. Note that this feature is still in Beta, we will continue to extend the capabilities. To test the feature out visit Inventory -> Inventory Manager.

    Feature Outline
    - Select inventory types from the filter menu on the left hand side.
    - Sort inventory with the arrows on the top of the main panel (currently by Attack and Defense).
    - Mouse over the Buy / Sell / Drop buttons to see the impact of performing that interaction type on your account.
    - Modify item quantities by changing the drop down selection.
    - View your characters Item Summary on the left hand side, optimize your inventory items and minimize your upkeep costs.

    The mouse over details on applicable items include:
    - How many items are used when attacking another Slayer.
    - How many items are used when defending against another Slayer.
    - Attack value before and after making the proposed transaction.
    - Defense value before and after making the proposed transaction.
    - Impact on total upkeep.

    Please provide any feedback you might have, as well any discrepancies with numbers you might encounter. We will be looking to further enhance this feature so if you have any ideas as to features you would like to see implemented, include those as well.

    Attached Files:

  2. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    I like it! I didn't realize I had so many weapons, no wonder my upkeep was so high. :D
  3. Jay Shinigami

    Jay Shinigami Member

    I like it - thanks for the constant improvements :)
  4. Angel

    Angel Member

    dont know if it is just me, but the mouse over doesnt work :confused: it only tells the name of the item
  5. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Try mousing over the Buy, Sell or Drop buttons to see before and after info ;)
  6. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    @Mistress Cara - which browser / network are you using. We will get that sorted out. Note that the mouse over details are only enabled on Weapons, Gear, and Vehicles.
  7. Angel

    Angel Member

    okayyy thanks ^^"

    @loren, I think the problem is solved, I moused over the picture, its all perfect now
  8. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    We just released a patch for the Inventory Manager system which includes the following:

    - Reformulated calculations on buying multiple items, values should be a proper indication of the impact of those items on your Attack and Defense values.
    - To help with accidental clicks, a modal Confirm screen is now present for the Drop and Sell action on Inventory items. You must confirm to remove the item from inventory.
    - CSS updates to help with display issues in IE.
    - Hired Squad Member mouse overs. Please note these calculation values are still in the Beta stage however they should show the impact of Hired Squad members on you Squad's Total Attack (note* these values do not include any boosts)

    If you notice any discrepancies in the calculations, or have any recommendations on how to help improve this feature please respond to this thread.
  9. AbNo

    AbNo Member

    Odd. I've just been using the Upgrades screen for that, and counting manually.
  10. Danellem

    Danellem New Member

    I like the idea of the new window, but I find it hard to see enough info to find what I am looking for quickly. I liked the amount of items I could see at a time the old way. Maybe there is a way to see more items?

    Or search for the one you need?

    For example, I was looking to do the workshop, but I was missing a few things. I clicked to find the items I needed, but couldn't remember where on the list they showed up, so I had to scroll up and down a few times and finally went back to the old way and ctrl+F'ed to find them.

    Also, I find hovering really time consuming. I wish it wasn't. It just is. I can spot things in a complete list better.

    But I love how this game is going, so these aren't big complaints, just small little papercuts.

    :) Thanks, D
  11. Jordy

    Jordy New Member

    Just wanted to check my weapons and saw the inventory has been totally messed up.
    It's no longer possible to click "inventory"-->"weapon" and scroll down to the last weapon you bought. You can only choose between attack and defense, the chronological order isn't shown anymore. The "common" weapons are not seperated from the "special" weapons.
    It's totally messy, every weapon including UN stuff is in the weapon inventory now.
    I don't like this "new" inventory, it's totally confusing and circuitous. :(
    Please keep the old inventory, the "original system"

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