no undead slayers

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Angel, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. Angel

    Angel Member

    since todays morning I have no more undead slayers in my list, Bug?
  2. No undead slayers on FB either tonight.
  3. Wolfdaughter

    Wolfdaughter New Member

    None in my list. One of my guild reports he has had to run through all his allocation for slaying the dead before live players appeared on his battlefield.
  4. Angel

    Angel Member

    anyway, they are back again
  5. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

  6. Angel

    Angel Member

    I know, but I usually dont attack more than 10 of them and I am quite sure I didnt attack more than 10 this day.
  7. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Can you send a message into support so that we can investigate further?
  8. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    I'm also having this issue, the ONE person that shows up on my fightlist/undead list has been going back and forth showing up for the last 3 days or so. Sometimes he's there, sometimes he's not.
  9. thinking about it i just remembered something on pc related to this

    one player(#2 rank) sometimes he shows on my fight list and sometimes he dont

    just dawned on me reading this why my fight list was looking like someone was missing half the time
  10. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    Speak of the FKN devil......

    He was just on my undead list, I attacked him ONE time (I had 39 left according to the message) and then he DISAPPEARS!!!!!!!
  11. Angel

    Angel Member

    second that, no undeads on my list, and I had 22 left.

    Btw I dont have undeads on Viking Clan either, never had and Im level 660. Are there no undeads?

    edit: lol, now they are back again... strange.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2011

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