[LCN] Next Battle Arena is Live! (Level 750+)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Eric, Jun 25, 2012.

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  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Second release of the Battle Arena is live. Please use this thread for discussions, feedback and questions.

    New features and updates include:
    -Improved overall speed through caching
    -Increased XP payouts per battle
    -Removed dead players from fight list on refresh
    -Fight response inline stamina and boost refill button
    -Increased hit point payout for kills
    -Kill health award now shows below targets
    -Targets killer is exposed while attacking
    -Fixed refresh issues with feed/fight list
    -Your armed and item loadout strength values are now saved on arena start
    -XP and Strength multipliers added to final rounds of the arena (more damage, more xp)
    -XP reward for joining the arena
    -Min attack requirement, if after 6 hours since arena start and under 100 attacks, health reduced by 15%
    -*Update - health bonus for attacking. Based off of your attack perk and the targets defence perk, you should see some bonus for attacking during the arena. As the arena progresses this bonus is removed and you are left with kills being your only health source.

    Play Now:

    Facebook Connect: http://bit.ly/lcn_forum_fcarena
    MySpace: http://mysp.ac/lcn_forum_msarena

    For questions answers and other discussions please visit this thread: http://forums.kanoapps.com/showthread.php?7793-Battle-Arena-Discussion-(Round-2)

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