We'd been told it was coming in September, but now that it's October, when will the new world be ready?
.....or maybe it was an overly enthusiastic prediction of something that is actually being worked on. Could always be here by Christmas I suppose?
Sorry guys, we have been taking a fresh look at locations and how we release content. We should be more accurate with our estimates with future locations!
At least there are battle arenas to keep the top tier level players busy until the newest locations are rolled out for them... ho hum
Thanks Kendal. I think one thing we all appreciate is comments on the various threads by Kano. It seems that we have some good/bad/ugly threads on the forum that sometimes build in pressure until a moderator steps in with a point or clarity etc. We know Aardvark is the only one dealing with our submissions on Support, but how many of you are supposed to be reading and interacting on the rest of the forum? It would be nice to know so that when a discussion is going on at least we know someone 'official' if reading them and is aware of players opinions. Not a big brother thing, but constructively keeping an eye on the forum chat and inputting whenever necessary.
@Brosnik, I look at every thread on the forums, even if I don't have anything relevant to say. It's bad policy to just be ignorant of what goes on here! Aside from me, Smack and Kendall are usually around, along with a couple other Kano employees.
I don't know of any new location yet. The newest I've heard of is the Battle of Bifrost. I have 8600 levels to go before I unlock it. ._.
@Conor That is the newest location, it came out earlier this month. You'll get there eventually, plenty of content between your location and Battle of Bifrost!
Yeah. I'll get there eventually. Right now, I'm stuck in Helheim throwing snowballs at Hel. Also, I bet if Justin Beiber was a weapon in Viking Clan, it would deal a 1-hit kill to a Level 70 Underking.