[PC] new way to kill a boss

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i havent posted a thread in a while but i have now come up with another idea and it is a really strong atack ment only for bosses and would normaly only be able to be used by the boss owner unless he says it is okay to have other people use it.

    here is how the atack would work (im going to use and example from pirate clan) so i justa killed my level 14 makemake and it took me 372 atacks. i only used 5 tam atacks. so if i were to click this button it would acalulate how much stam it would take and would show you and then you click it again if you have enuf stam . then it kills the boss.but it still does the 372 atacks but save you the time. if you guys dont get it ill try to explain it better, but do you get wat im trying to say
  2. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    This looks VERY familiar as if someone else posted it or something similar.

    It didn't go over all that good I don't believe.

    I'm not gonna vote yet.
  3. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Honestly I see no reason for something like that. Why the rush and what kind of time are you saving, then people get somewhere too fast, for one more reason and complain to Kano they have nothing to do.
  4. An idea similar to this was presented a few months back. I don't really see a reason to change anything either. Just wait till you get to your level 50 Makemake, lol. It even takes me a couple of minutes to kill it. BUT, that gives others a chance to grab a piece of it while it's going down.
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    One of the issues that was brought up on that thread jillian and protector are talking about is how would u be able to calculate the right amount of experience since every attack your not always going to get the same outcome of experience. And the final issue is drop items u get from hitting the boss over and over if u added that how would you calculate the right amount of items to give to that player every time they do this. To many scenarios for that idea was played out on that thread by numerous players wish i remember what it was actually called but i do remember reading it also. So for me it's a 1 but i won't vote on it since its already at 1

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