New July Content! Check out the following content added or being added through out the month: New Gifts New Limited Items New Limited Quantity Items July Calendar Play Now! Facebook: Facebook Connect: MySpace:
I really hope theres more to it than gifts and new items is our new content for a whole month? thanks for the calendar those are always nice, would be nice to see the other achievements come out that kendall was talking about and a new country/city is overdue.
Yeah agree with slave. Its been near 2 months since last area was released. Been done with vancouver for well over a month. Also wanting more new achievements.
I didn't think I would ever catch up with Cities, but I did so a month ago. It's getting harder to hold an interest here.
Forget about new city's area etc that only good for a minority of Players(not me obviously) what about factions wars will that ever be released? The battle arena is a great new idea but it only really lasts a day so some constant new ideas really needed.
ehhe. How about something to do with energy OTHER than outbreaks? I sit and pour energy into finished outbreaks for 5 or 6 levels until i can open the next one. and the energy boost is a full fill... At least with stam you can fight, or do bosses, or hunt. energy has one purpose...outbreaks. and yes...i know..put this in the idea section.
New loading screens Hi, I wish to complain about the new loading screens when I'm sending something to others. They are too bright and pop up every time I send something, not to mention that when you have to send a lot of gifts it gets even more time consuming than ever. I am also certain that they are not good for people with epilepsy, they have a hard time dealing with bright blinking lights. This situation is not increasing the chances of me continuing playing this game. As I play about 50 games or so, then increasing the time it takes to receive/send stuff may force me to quit playing Zombie slayer, Pirate clan etc. Best regards and have fun,
The white box is happening from what I hear in non Kano games also, so it is something FB has done, ya know how FB is always tinkering around just to annoy us
yeah what anthony said, faction war, faction boss, and hes right arena is fun but really is only a day or so, but im still looking for a new country too,, and david said it best, new items, new gifts, you call that content? gifts are completely marginal as it is let alone to be called new content, most gifts are a one time use or are pretty useless if needed for crafting since your crafting is so so so so obsolete.... i really dont understand you spending programming time on crafting and items associated with it, its such a small contingent of people that use it and the items are over priced and obsolete out of the box.... i would recomend less drinking and more programming.....but thats just my opinion....the last two tgif refer more to drinking beer than to new ideas and new content
I can't think why anyone would want gifts above level 700 in ZS unless they are not using UN's for weapons! In PC I've crafted useful weapons for use above level 3000.