[Other] new game theme

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i think if kano is going to make a new game it should be space themed and set in the futer because we alredy have the pirate, vikng, and modern day mob/gang themes also we have the zombie apocolips theme so one of the themes that would be different could be space, this would be cool and new for mmorpgs.(not sure if thats the correct one)

    if anyone has a better theme please post here. also not sure if this should go into general disscusion or not
  2. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    not shure if that is a good idea having a futuristic space theme, yes they have done the past with vikings pirates and zombies which could be past or future but they all similar as in there fighting gang type games
    how could you come up with t futuristic space game it would have to be a made up theme which they havent done yet as viking pirates are known,
    maybe space gangsters lol
    i think a new game should be based on something well know like ninjas or medievals or cowboys and indians
    just my opinion of course
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    they could make a egiption theme to and have all of the locations places in Egypt but the reson i think space would work better is cus you could have the game based in the milky way galexy and then have us visiting all the planets in our solar system Sol and then rite before you leave that area you have to get through a astroid feild. that would take up 10 places. then after that we could be ventureing into the closest solar system. the closest solar system to us is Alpha Centauri. this solar system was descovered to have a few planets but i am not sure how many. then the closest to that is Epsilon Eridani. also not sure how many planets are there.
  4. Fusheng

    Fusheng Active Member

    i hear what you saying but that dosent have any game interaction as in fighting each other
    i like the egyptians theme they could be fighting
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Also in agreement with fusheng. And i also like the egyptian theme because you could bring in all the empires from that time frame of the world not to mention underworlds godly worlds so many things is possible for that game scenario. For the game scenario of egyptians i will give you an 8 have to deduct 2 for the space theme just do not believe it would work to many have been done on fb and not many of those ones tend to survive that way.
  6. slave

    slave Member

    they dont have enough time in the week to keep up with however many games they have right now, let alone a new game,

    monday - holiday
    tuesday - wake up from three day weekend
    wednesday plan beer friday
    thursday - sleep late get rested for beer friday
    friday - play golf, eat pizza and drink beer

    no wonder we arent getting any new content, do you see any programming time in that schedule??
  7. LOL nice too read Im not the only one who miss new content for ZS
  8. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    ya and the egiption game theme would be alot easier then space cus in space to make it as realistic as posible you would need alot of research to get the planets and stuff like that correct. for the egiption it would be alot easier to do and that actually sounds a llittle better then the sapce theme. the chareectors you can be if it was a egiption theme are the pharos. the places you can buy are pyramids and stuff like that. plus there arent that many egiption based games out there.
  9. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    This is true. But also like the other guys say right now kano has a lot on there plate to get fixed first and update before they dive into another game a lot of players would probably be upset with that issue if that happened as you can see from some of the postings on forums wanting new or updated things. But i do like the egyptian idea.
  10. Space!! WOW!
    i would like to see on this theme:

    no for space theme we don't want it to be real, just an imaginary thing so there be much space to add anything
    but it really need to have a really good artist!
    not as zombie slayer (the one who draw the bosses must not get salary :D)

    plus there are much themes:

    why not trying to make a simple game(another game type)
  11. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I agree, any new game theme would be good but it should be a bit more like zombie slayer. PC, VC, and LC are all pretty much the same gameplay. It would be nice to see another like ZS

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