Today seems to be the day for announcing stuff so here's another coming at you! In an attempt to help us serve you all better and help you help each other, we're going to be re-structuring the boards a little bit soon (possibly tonight). The new structure will create a specific area to get support so that Wonder Woman does not have to actually be Wonder Woman every day and browse every single post if she can help it. The new structure will condense down the number of boards available such that we end up with a number that better matches the forum population. In the games sections, the new forum layout will look like such... News & Updates - Renamed to: "Announcements" FAQ Questions & Game Help - Renamed to: "New Player Area" ** General Discussions - Unchanged Feedback and Suggestions - Remove this board, permanent re-direct to Ideas. Move recent, relevant threads to ideas. Add Me - Remove this and sub-forums. Move single "add-me" thread into general discussions. Less relevant nowadays. It will use the prefix for the social network FB/MS. Bugs & Issues - Renamed to: "Support". Remove sub-forums. This board will use "prefix" feature and leverage "FB/MS/Forum" prefixes. ** I would like to link to this board for new players who get the email when they install the game, and maybe display it in the new player protection messaging for 30 days. This will allow new users to have an area to get help and submit their questions that might otherwise clutter the areas for advanced players.
I like this idea. And i like the idea of putting it into the new players games so they know were to go when they have questions and need help with something.
Hey Deltan, awesome news. One point I will make, it's not only new members that have questions and Game Help I think it should be more focused on the whole community rather than just the new players, existing users may not know where to go for help etc. if this name is implemented Everything else is great, just thought I'd point that out
Well, that's a good idea and I'd already considered it, however I left out a piece of information that we're not ready to announce yet. The Questions & Game Help will also disappear eventually as well in favour of something better.
All of the forum changes are complete! If there are any additional suggestions for how we can organize the community better for you all, I'm all ears!