[VC] New Elite/Legendary Crafting for Higher-Level Locations

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Hello folks,

    One of the most requested updates to the game are new Elite and Legendary crafting options for recent locations. Today we’re happy to be rolling that out to the game. Below is a list of the locations and the drops which will be receiving the update:

    Skadi’s Blizzard
    Jotunheim World Wall
    Yggdrasil World Tree

    Here are the recipes that we’re rolling out:

    Snowcapes (armor)
    Healer Cleric (warrior)
    Chopblades (weapon)
    Snake Eye Gem (weapon)
    Paladin Sage (warrior)

    Hope you enjoy this addition to the Viking Clan crafting options. As usual comments and feedback can go below. :)
  2. Deblovscats1

    Deblovscats1 Active Member

    ♥HUGS♥ to all!♥ :)
  3. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Mitch, not sure if over site but "reverse crafting" new items are in crafting section.
  4. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Thanks for the heads up Jades. This was an oversight and it should be fixed now.

  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    great update, is anything going to be done with the spirit stags? either make them reverse craftable or elitable?
  6. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    LOL, I was wondering when someone would bring that up. I bit my tongue on that because of the snowcapes now elitable/legendary and especially cost to make them. Going to be a touchy subject to some my guess.
  7. Robert Belrose

    Robert Belrose Active Member

    I Like it that way- I wish ALL the reverse crafting were back in the crafting section. It is so much easier to look at the value of the 'stock' or 'elite' items to decide what you want to do with them without having to go to a different section.
  8. Susanne Rautelius

    Susanne Rautelius Active Member

    Nice working Happy to see you listen to this
  9. Dunk Nielsen

    Dunk Nielsen Member

    and what happend to all the stuf we had ?? its gone now i dont have any of my worthless snowscapes or my worthless chopblades

    WOADLORD Member

    Can you do something about us that used Snowcapes to craft the Spirit stags? we should be able to craft them back to Snowcapes. This is not a fault from the players side that had removed them, but you created something that is better from a previous weapon which is unfair to leave it as it is.
  11. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    posed this question right after the craft became available, some type of answer from kano would be greatly appreciated
  12. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    I did see this coming but to be fair, would everyone be fine with reverse and coin goes bye bye? That have invested in the Stags? Or Upgrade on stags choose wisely LOL
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    As far as I know there's no official word on the stags, but it seems like this might be a concern going forward. I'll ask around for you guys.
  14. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    the coin matters not, ive spent quads on smithing things that i will never use again no matter how hard i try. i want useable items
  15. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Elite and Legendary Healer Clerics and other high level drops


    Thank you for finally allowing for the crafting of the high level drops (snake eye gems, Chop Blades, and Healer Clerics). It's much appreciated and now I have a reason to attack these bosses again. You have no idea how much this makes a difference for me and for us higher level players.
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I think its fine that elite/legend items are reversible while the smithed items aren't. Somethings do indeed become useless but thats the way it goes....as another member said...."choose wisely"
  17. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yep, might as well rip this band-aid off, we're not planning on doing anything with Spirit Stags at the moment. We're only planning on keeping the Elite/Legendary items reverse-craftable.
  18. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Good call! If the stags were made to be reversible then where would it end? I've got tons of crap ive crafted that is now useless. In addition.....knowing all would be made reversible i may very well of made a lot of diff crafting decisions than i did. Totally support the decision.
  19. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i figured as much but it couldnt hurt to try...good thing i didnt make many of them....woulda been a HUGE waste haha
  20. Grand Master Fielding

    Grand Master Fielding Active Member

    Heck I'm more than happy enough to craft the Healer Clerics and Snake Eye Gems and Chop Blades. Again thank you KANO!!!!

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