New Coop Boss!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Woman, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    This shrieking sheila is shredding a tidal wave of doom on a surfboard of death, and she’s barreling straight for you. If you can navigate the riptides and undercurrents and send this zombie out to sea, the people of Australia will be thankful. Think you could take care of her? She’s really harshing our mellow, man.

    wall_feed_coop_boss_18_1a.jpg wall_feed_coop_boss_18_1b.jpg wall_feed_coop_boss_18_1c.jpg
  2. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    I love how I always have another Coop boss open when the new ones are god for stam refills!

    Glad to see another boss, hopefully in the future it will be how it was before and the bosses will be ready at the release of said country.

    Btw, I am waiting for some girls to say this is "sexist" calling her a surfer "CHICK".....

    I think it's perfect.

    I'm pleased to say the least...and I won some UN and free tickets today on the lottery.
  3. The Lion OG

    The Lion OG Member

    I didn't win any UN to help me through them but I'm happy as a pig in....well you know. WTG KANO another great addition. Now just remember it's always better to put out complete area's instead of having to go back and adding after. We can always wait just a tad longer to have everything available once you drop them. KUDO's!!!
  4. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    I think it's perfect too, and the lewtz are totally awesome, duuude!

    However i bet those very same girls would have a lot more to say if it was called a surfer "SHIM".....

    I don't see the problem with the term "Chick".
    "Surfer Sheila" doesn't quite have the same ring to it and what else would it be called?

    "Surfing Honourable Lady Of The Fully Laden Dinner Table" ???

    This boss rocks, the drops are a nice notch down from the higher bosses and still strong enough to be a decent improvement over the older items that are fast becoming nothing but a memory.

    I might even have to drop some UN so that a few more of these new drops actually get used lol, or stop farming them and just move on to munching my squad's bosses or some of the mandatory maggot molestation.
    (no, i don't but alliteration is hard sometimes)
  5. Hashshashin

    Hashshashin Member

    LMFAO!!!!!!!!! Dude you are too fkn funny.

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