Need To Upgrade more powerful weapons....

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Justin the killer, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    when are we gonna get better items then the ones that we dont need like 100 attk an 300 an some in defense that is only good for the lower levels who wants to decide who is more in def then higher levels we need bigger an better weapons an armor an vehicle an since we pay the money to play we should be allowed to have more an powerful weapons instead of the ones that we do not need or not to have.....please re-consider to create more better ones...bc i am mostly more even an balance then anything..which means i need more powerful weapons then junk ones....u need to create an break them up an if some players are more balance they should be in the items that we need..just like the crates my weapons are higher then them which my are loyal items that i really dont need i need to change them out but i dont see nothing higher that an on what i need so i figure i would mention this in the forums to see if u can do better then what u have been...have a great day!!!
  2. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    us Higher levels lol
  3. DSA

    DSA New Member

    "Limited" vs. "stock" Items, ...etc!

    I "invest" bits of money from time to time as well - but in any game worth playing, money alone should not allow someone an unchallengeable superiority.
    In other words, real-world money alone should not outweigh time, work, and strategy as means to a superior game character. In fact, I left a similar game last year, once they started offering skill points for sale - the last thing in that game, that could not previously be bought, it now created a situation in which the wealthiest (irl) players could dominate solely by spending real-world money at it. So, why play? That's just too much like real life, to be entertaining!
    Don't let this happen to this fine game!

    I realize that if one could afford enough FP to outfit their character with 2000 "Limited" items, then they deserve the benefit it brings... but it's still not the last word in strategic character development. Concerning game-coins-purchasable or manufacturable, etc. arms, though, there should always be something available - at however high a level appropriate - to reasonably counter such a character.
    (Even though, there aren't likely too many players spending $10,000+ on FP, to make it a major issue... are there?)
    Being at under level 400 myself, I'm curious: Just what are the highest points values of weapons available at the "top"... Level 1000... 5k? ...10K? Right now - for me - a decent "stock" weapon may be some 30atk/30def item. How high atk/def do the coin-purchasable weapons get, at the most - and at what level do those highest items become available?
  4. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    @DSA What game do you want to know about? Most of the items are listed in wikis for the respective games, I could try and dig one up for you.
  5. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    not sure which game youre asking about but i do know that stock weapons become useless after you get high enough and it happens pretty quick
  6. DSA

    DSA New Member

    Appreciate your Wisdom!

    Thank you both for offering to help - and, my apologies: I forget it's a "Kano-wide" forum, since at present I only play "MobWars-LCN"!

    As far as "useless", though... if I've explained correctly the ones I mean... are they not the "bread and butter" of a mature character's combat points? If I had a full 2000 mobsters, and they were using 50atk/50def weapons... wouldn't that add 100,000 points to my attacks? If I had two-dozen Limited items of say, 250/250... it would increase that by only 4800 points - barely 5%.

    Anyway, I can say at level 343 in MWlcn, some top game-coin 'stock' weapons are the Golden AK47 and Steel Baseball Bat, at 31/19 and 30/25, respectively. After FP-Limited items, Loyalty, Workshop, job-drops.... these are what's available to buy in-game, to fill any remaining need.

    My question, then,
    was, what points-value (atk/def) do weapons of this type go up to, at their maximum... and optionally, what level at which do they become available (that no stronger ones become available, at all.)

    Your help is valuable, because it would allow me to make better decisions now, regarding the expenditure of resources,
    and understanding what I'm up against when encountering players at levels thousands above me.
    While we're here,
    there is a little more help that I've been after, from someone knowledgeable enough to know the facts:

    Most fighting situations are like the example I mentioned: A player attacks/defends with their entire mob, and best of equipment.
    But, in what case(s) does one fight "alone" - that is, only the points of my one, single, "self", are counted. My skill points in atk/def, and the four personally loaded combat items - and that's it?
    It looks like the "Boss" attacks are like that?
    But which, or which other, combat situations in the game are like that?

    Atk/def Skill Points... do these work only by adding those values to myself, as though they were another weapon - or,
    in full combat situations, does my fighting group of mobsters each posses my atk/def skill points as their own, in addition to the best weapons I have for them?
    If not, then do my atk/def skill points have any influence over anything other than adding those points to myself, as though they were a single high-points Limited item?

    I'm sure you see it would be a waste to ask these questions of anyone who "thinks" they are "pretty sure" how it all works!
    This stuff is important to me, though - and your time spent helping me is greatly appreciated!!
  7. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    im referring to levels a bit higher than saying in time it wont matter cause drops overtake the stock weapons pretty quick in the scheme of things...if you can raise your attack by buying them and thats what you want to do then go for it...personally, i wouldnt waste the coin
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i think the skill points allocated to att/def are separate from your warrior/weapon strength....adding 5 skill points to attack will have more of an effect than adding 5 points to your clan warrior attack

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