i agre with linda go for hired squad as soon as posible. what i did was saveup for the character that costs 100FP. then after i bought him just focused on hired squad. untill i saw a weapon/captain that has over 300 attack(i prefer attack over deffence) and a ship that had over 500 attack. i would save up real fast and by it then go back to buying hired caps. i am at 719(on facebook) the only time i spent my fp on things that were other then what i mentioned were on a 1 maybe 2 sam boosts durring the battle arena.(if i participate, i usually dont)
Only in Zombie Slayer are 5 types of squad. First you need 5 Pointmans for your top squad for Top Squad +2% Def +2% Att boost and a total of 10% + 10% , and for Hired Squad I prefer 1 Brawler at every 150 lvls.
You need to specify what game you are asking about.,in order for us to understand what you need to know. And the word "credits"?? refers to what, we have skill points (which ( 5) you get when you level) ,favor points??