Why don't I see these rivals on the fight list? They come out of the blue and attack. Don't think there is a line for attacks waiting at my profile for a green light to be on. Lol... When I go to the fight list they aren't there to begin with while I'm fighting.
I have a mystery fight list too. I imagine most do. I always get attacked by rivals I never see on my fight list. I have my theory on why but wont say.
It's not rocket science. They dont show on your fight list because they are in hospital or dead. They only heal to attack and then make sure they have no health left when they arent fighting. You show on their fight list - however briefly - because you are healed when they are on offense. Also some people with a lot of time on hands save links for later
That, and you forgot to mention high attack or credit card players, that are to low of level to even show in-range fight list.