My Bounty Is TOO SMALL

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Kano Der Towken, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. I rarely feel the 'love' anymore :(

    People are letting me level up...

    I surpassed level 300 and still people are letting me level up.

    I don't want to level UP!

    The higher levels one reaches, the harder it becomes to get fight kills.

    Am I getting too close to Clubber?

    Is my Win to Kill ratio too much, too close to the current #1 ?

    Anyway, I doubt what I said in World Boss feed was believed as people probably (foolishly) believe that I talk out of my arse.

    Well, heres proof! :p


    Please chainlist me so that I don't level up and can continue to rack up these one-stam kills before they run out.
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Your just not worth it Kano. You've been given more then enough time to prove your worth on Hi5 and you just keep falling short. Like, REALLY short :)

    All you ever talk about is how your gonna be better then me, yet you never are. I mean C'mon! All that sassing you did in the lead up to you hitting level 300 and once you finally did hit it, you'd done nothing. When you got laughed at, you tried to say all you had ever wanted to do was have more health then me at level 300 lol Oh wow, well, you got me there! According to you Hi5 zs is soooooo easy, it's like zomebie slayer with trainning wheels on and here you are, can't even take 1st place in anything.

  3. I talk about whatever springs to mind.. Has that not jumped out and bit-slapped you across the chops yet?

    I did not "sass", I don't even know the meaning of the word.

    There is nothing you can say towards me that I haven't already heard. With bells and jingles on.

    I really can't be bothered to think I'm gonna go do that sleep thing.

    All I will say is that I know for a fact I would place ahad of you, in a spelling competition :p

    That, and of course

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2011
  4. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Oh you listed me? You just killed Kano Der Towken with a punch to the face!
  5. Rob The Rich Eat The Poor has killed Relentless and claimed your Hit of $6,737,485,921.

    Rob The Rich Eat The Poor has killed Relentless and claimed your Hit of $5,673,672,354.

    Rob The Rich Eat The Poor has killed Relentless and claimed your Hit of $4,609,858,788.

    How long's it gonna be before my money is used to increase my own bounty price?

    Or is this Rob a slacker that's just gonna sit on it...
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I wouldn't call Rob a slacker... he's more of a drinker ;)

    I don't know why you bother to list me, we both know you'll run out of money before I stop healing.
  7. Justin McDonald

    Justin McDonald New Member

    please hi5 is a joke, at level 23 i put up 7 hitlists, 7 level 23 slayers were on the list at the same time for 4 seconds. level 1000s on facebook flash in a second. i tried playing hi5 the fact is it bored me to tears i got 600 fight kills in my first 2 days didnt even make it to level 100 because it was all too damn easy.
  8. clubber

    clubber Member

    Well yeah Justin, it looks easy and you can get easy 1000 strike achievements, etc. but after a lvl everyone is counterattacking you, bounty you, attacking you with higher alt accounts, making you weak, low health, etc. So no, hi5 is not easy as it seems.
  9. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    It was so east because you hadn't met me ;)

    So sick of hearing people say how hi5 is so easy yet they can't get anywhere on there. It might not have the pace of FB but it doesn't have as many people playing either, so what do you expect.

    You can't say it was to boring to bother playing when you didn't even get past level 100. Even on FB it's easy street until you get a couple 100 levels under you.

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