Min time needed in ts for earnings?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jessica, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    So today after I leveled I decided to be nice to 5 of my low level friends who just started on hi5 and with me being a mostly energy account I removed 5 defenders then put said 5 friends in my top squad. I burned through my energy and immediately put the 5 defenders back in place. After about an hour I was asking them how the earnings were but too my surprise none of them seemed to receive any earnings from me. Which makes me ask the question has anyone else noticed there is a min amount of time someone needs to spend in your top squad to receive earnings? It didn't seem to work when I put them in immediately before I burned through my energy then removed them soon as I was done.
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I would say they have to collect the earnings while they are still in your top squad.
  3. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    I tried again switching out my defenders for friends right before I went through my energy again but this time kept my friends in top squad and asked them to check for earnings 45 minutes after I stopped. Still no luck on them receiving earnings though. A secret min timer for how long they need to be in the top squad before they start gaining earnings is the only thing I can think of..
    and a few minutes after I post this it finally shows up after like an hour
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  4. That would sound very probable, but it was really underwhelming if i can say that without pissing somebody off...

    I understand lowbie-to-midgey outbreaks aren't gonna payout that well at all, but when you get used to hunters giving you hundreds of millions and sometimes billions, it's kind of just "meh... Where's the rest of it?"

    Especially compared to how much the jobs payout in LCN, oh my funky word even from the lower level jobs i was getting upwards of a billion per job with the appropriate elite mobster in place.

    Now THIS is the game for an "Energizer Bunny".

    So if catching some bounties of a couple billions gives your top squad up to a couple hundred million in earnings, imagine how much earning potential there is in jobs that payout a couple billion per click. With no "Already in fight" or "No longer available to fight".

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