would it be possible to have a message indicator on the chat box? the way it is now you have to leave the chat open to see if theres any new messages or keep opening and closing it...kind of annoying sometimes
Yeah this'd be good for faction/syndicate/guild/whatever and group chats....not world chat though, peopple don't shut up on there and the indicator would drive you mad lol
not really, if youre not really using it then disregard the indicator...im speaking mainly for those of us that are conversing and playing at the same time....in those times it would be a huge help
well, before this discussion gets too deep...would this be an easy upgrade for kano? if not then i say just leave it but if it wouldnt take up a ton of dev time then i say hook it up!
I believe we're currently investigating a similar update for in-game notifications, so I can see if we can roll this in.