Max empire...?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Matthew Edwards, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Matthew Edwards

    Matthew Edwards New Member

    What's the maximum amount of 1 type of empire that you can get? I'm just curious...

    I'm up to 5500 dwellings right now. Anyone found a cap?
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    I don't think there is a cap on Empire, although if there is one it's fairly high...

    I do know that each piece of Empire does increase in price the more you purchase it though, so at some point it will become fairly expensive to continue buying even the most basic dwelling.
  3. Matthew Edwards

    Matthew Edwards New Member

    I know, but I'm bored and so many years behind that I know I won't be competitive in the game, so I'm on a mission to get my lvl 250ish viking to some crazy amount of income (already over 1b). My mission inside this mission is to find the cap for each empire. I think highest I've found in the forums is someone claiming to have bought over 87k dwellings (some time ago), so I realize the number may be crazy.

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