March 1st Developer Update - Power Attack

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Loren, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    For all players level 500 and above:

    We have just released a new Attack option in Fights, the Power Attack. Fighting against other Mob Bosses fills your Power Meter, where a Fight Win will fill your meter faster than a Fight Loss.

    Once your meter is full, as indicated in your Fight response, you will see a new Power Attack button. As it stands the Power Attack will cost you 5 stamina with a much higher experience yield than doing 5 regular attacks.

    Statistics on the Power Attack feature are available on your Profile page.

    If you experience any issues, have questions, or feedback on this feature please post it here.
  2. Busta

    Busta Member

    Ah, I just hit 500 and wondered what this was. Danke shane.

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