Loyalty Tier Items

Discussion in 'Accepted Ideas' started by Tracy Bingham, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    Well I see someone has started a 2nd thread on this subject... and still no answer here.

    So just going to say one more time. I really really really don't think we need to vote on whether loyalty tier items should be improved. The whole program, as I read it, was set up to reward loyal customers. While the items currently offered were great when they came out, they are now no where near as good as what you can get through DJ pts or even ..lol.. through those ever living calendars.

    SOOOOOOOOOOO..... anyone?? Can you please address this for us?

    Thank you in advance for your consideration.
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Tracy is this in all kano games that the loyalty items are low in comparision to the calenders and limited items. Or is it just a specific game you are looking at that you want the loyalty items to be looked at and improved with higher stats.
  3. RAGM

    RAGM Member

    would like to see them updated
  4. Tracy Bingham

    Tracy Bingham Member

    I only play 2 KANO games, PC and VC... and think the loyalty tier items should be better then items you can purchase with DJ points in both games.
  5. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    they are weak compared to the limited items in every game...
  6. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Accepted! In fact, this is already in the works and going out the door today (3/23)!

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