Godship 160 160 Alexandrite 8800 LP
Comet Cannon 57 50 Alexandrite 5500 LP
Archangel Captain 47 52 Alexandrite 5500 LP
With "GOD-ship" you'll know which pirate not to mess with in the game. 160/160 stat way better than the last few limited ship kano provided. (Paladin Warsail 145/145)
What i see here is a WIDER GAP between $ player and non-$ player. If you cant spent $ in the game you will be on the mercy of the $ players. Not that its bad, I also see this as a challenge for non-$ player. But for some it might make them quit. Coz building 2,000 captain and earning FP to get limited items is hard enough, and loyalty points will take forever to get those cool loyalty items.
On the other hand, $ players can play god and beat all non-$ player. Most of this $ player are in same armada/clan. So they would be facing less $ player. hmmm With less formidable opponents at sea, the challenge for them may be lost. Kinda boring for them unless you enjoy bullying.
Just an OPINION.
Last edited: May 15, 2011