Loyalty Program Feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DarkStratus, May 6, 2011.

  1. DarkStratus

    DarkStratus Administrator

    We released the loyalty program for Pirate Clan and are looking for feedback.

    What tier are you in?

    Have you purchased a loyalty reward item? If so which one(s)?

    Do you like\dislike the loyalty reward items? Why?

    Thanks for your feedback it is appreciated!
  2. Your Loyalty Tier: Alexandrite

    no items yet.waiting on that
  3. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Silver Tier. No items yet; the power sucks for a level ~1650.
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Silver Tier.

    I see no reason to waste these points on either the Matey or the Ship or the Weapon. Even though the weapon is decent, getting loads of these loyalty points takes way too long for my non-paying pirate.

    With my Viking I might have access to some better stuff if the loyalty items come to the game.

    Furthermore are the loyalty items available to me not worth the points in my eyes. My ships are decidedly stronger than the offered ships. The weapon is nice, but I have literally tons of Boss Drop Weapons, so it isn't even worth being considered for personal loadout. The Matey is decent, if I had the points, I'd amass them, I think.
  5. Mystic

    Mystic Member

    I'm in the Silver tier, and I finally checked out the items yesterday.

    So far, nothing appeals to me. I do like the idea, but nothing seems to be worth spending those points on just yet.
  6. The free stuff you get from jobs are worth more than what they are offering for points. Sav up the loyalty points. Usd to be that the Davey Jones items were all around 20-30 attack, but then they kept going up. Wasted favor points buying a lot of Davey Jones items that were obsolete a week later.
  7. Susan K

    Susan K Member

    good weopons

    silver tier.

    The bronze weapons seem really good. I bought 9 of them. I can always use more powerful weapons for my clan.

    I'm really happy to see some value to players for GP. Been a long time coming.
  8. all prices and so far everything as of today
  9. Leeloo

    Leeloo New Member

    I think they are a great but I have no idea where to look to see how many points I have :eek:

    My only excuse is I am a new player. Loving the game though :)
  10. click on davy jones.you should see something there that says loyalty

    ill upload a photo one moment

  11. Leeloo

    Leeloo New Member

    Hello, my new friend and thank you :):)
  12. Considering I'm never going to spend money on the game, I'm going to have to wait a LONG time to build myself up. 2% to Gold Tier. I play daily and get my gamer points everyday. This 2% hasn't changed yet. Otherwise, when it gets good enough, of course I'll buy some power ups.

    LeE OTM
  13. kabutee

    kabutee Member

    Godship 160 160 Alexandrite 8800 LP
    Comet Cannon 57 50 Alexandrite 5500 LP
    Archangel Captain 47 52 Alexandrite 5500 LP

    With "GOD-ship" you'll know which pirate not to mess with in the game. 160/160 stat way better than the last few limited ship kano provided. (Paladin Warsail 145/145)

    What i see here is a WIDER GAP between $ player and non-$ player. If you cant spent $ in the game you will be on the mercy of the $ players. Not that its bad, I also see this as a challenge for non-$ player. But for some it might make them quit. Coz building 2,000 captain and earning FP to get limited items is hard enough, and loyalty points will take forever to get those cool loyalty items.

    On the other hand, $ players can play god and beat all non-$ player. Most of this $ player are in same armada/clan. So they would be facing less $ player. hmmm With less formidable opponents at sea, the challenge for them may be lost. Kinda boring for them unless you enjoy bullying.

    Just an OPINION.
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  14. icedfate

    icedfate Member

    where do I look to see my loyalty point status?
    I just bought a commodore for 250 loyalty points and I cant find my balance.

    also how do I earn more?
  15. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Head over to the Davy Jones page and you should see a loyalty link on the left hand side.

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