Loyalty points for UN or stamina

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by RJOWNER, Jan 12, 2012.


    RJOWNER Member

    I would like to see a update where you can use loyalty points to get UN or Loyalty points to get stamina or energy.

    100 loyalty points= full stamina or full energy

    Its a very good idea i love it come on kano.
  2. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure that this will not happen.

    LP's are awarded for GP's and buying UN's. It would be rather strange to be able to buy UN's with LP's.

    And for the Stam/Energy Idea? Also very unlikely, you can get refills for UN's already and have the Daily Reward and the daily energy boost.

    RJOWNER Member

    Yea but it would like using your extra points instead of buying those crappy loyalty items and getting some stamina to lvl up faster or energy or watever. I feel it can be done rather easy the UN probably not.

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