Recently I have noticed when i place hits my exp history shows in the negative. Today placed 4 hits and here again history is in the negative.No booby trap were on these 4 hits. Last 2 hours XP: -259,951 .Thanks
I'll check with a dev on this one, fellas. Of course if any of our players know the answer they can feel free to chime in and laugh at my lack of simple game knowledge.
thanks mitch i have noticed it again today the other day it was -9m plus.dont know what the problem is tried to take i ascreenshot to send in a ticket but failed then after 30 minutes stats reset
I cannot reproduce this. Are you being listed yourself after putting a Bounty on others? I'll keep an eye on this but I am unable to see how this might happen without you dying at some point. I am not saying it can't happen, I am just unsure how to validate this scenario right now.