Long advertisements.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by David The Wraith, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Butcher Handed John posted in the ideas forum concerning the length of the advertisements for free UN. I wanted to respond, but the thread was closed based on the post being the wrong forum.

    I think companies need to understand that anything longer then the average commercial is way too long to be sitting there viewing for 1 UN. UN isn't that expensive to purchase and that should be taken into account.

    Yes, it's "free" UN at the end, but how much is your time worth? I for one won't sit through the 'Hell Week', the 'SaturDIY or the new Geico long form commercial, unless I'm doing something else. Watching television, visiting another website, etc., Which of course defeats the whole purpose of paying us to watch these. If I'm trying to play the game, I simply close out the window. There are plenty of shorter, more accessible advertisements available.

    Often, I've considered informing the companies of this fact, but it's just not worth the time and effort.

    Kano has no control over this so complaining to Kano about this issue is pretty pointless.
  2. slave

    slave Member

    i usually just open a new window and let them play out....they arent getting what they are paying for , but 4.5 minutes to watch a video im not interested in, im not sure what they are thinking...
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    wh does it matter how long you wait to get something free and also kano doesnt put these comercials on that is all facebook so you will have to complain to them but i dont advise it cus they mite just take down the wach a video for i free game credit
  4. Because time isn't free. It's the single most valuable resource there is. Like I said, if I'm trying to play the game and that 5 minute geico commercial comes up, I don't watch it, because I simply have more valuable uses for my time. If I'm doing something else, I'll let the video play out and continue doing what I'm doing.

    If it's a 30 second commercial, I'll actually stick around to watch it.

    UN is actually fairly inexpensive to buy. Sitting around for 5 minutes is not really a very effective way to spend your time to gain 1 UN.
  5. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    How often do you run out of energy and stamina? If you have nothing better to be doing and you're out of resources to play the game, or there's no fightlist/hitlists going up then what does it matter to watch 8 minutes of video. You could very well be getting informed of a great thing. If I'm not paying money for it, and I have nothing better to do why does the length of the video matter to me?
  6. Sorry, but I can always find something better to do then watch an advertisement.
  7. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    watching the advertizement can be funish just depends on your mood and there is a way to play the game and watch the video at the same time and that is to open up another tab. and when there isnt anything to do play the advertizement and just go explore outside for a while i meen there is alot you can do outside
  8. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I really can not get over people complaining about getting free UN. It's free! If you don't want to watch the videos, then don't. You can always open another tab so you can keep on playing.

    When someone says "how much is your time worth?", I laugh! You're playing a little clicky game on the internet and you're gonna ask how much your time is worth when you're getting something for free. Wow, just wow!
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  9. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    at least some people understand free(relentless)

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