Hello, Good afternoon everybody, What is the procedure to include any link in my signature? I want to include the following link with the anchor text in my signature: Po?yczka. Thanks a lot.
Don’t sell or solicit, post copyrighted content without proper sourcing and crediting and don’t promote illegal activities. this was all i could find in the Terms of Use, so i guess we'll have to wait til Monday for an official response
I know we use to be able to and if we still can it would prob be an option in settings for your account here, look in profile, that is where the option use to be before the forum had its look changed, but waiting till Monday if ya can't figure it out, and asking Mitch would be the next step
You can include a link in your signature, but there are guidelines. It can't lead anywhere malicious, or link to a competing product or social network. It also can't link to something that is being sold, or is illegal or not safe for work.