Limiting Hitlising for players under level 300

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Bread, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    A few weeks ago we posted about restricting hitlisting for players under level 300, as players above level 300 aren't currently able to retaliate if listed by someone below 300.

    There was quite a bit of excellent discussion on the topic, and given the mostly positive response we decided to make this change. Effective today, players under level 300 won't be able to list outside their normal listing range (which is down to half of your level, and up to twice) until they reach level 300, at which point there are no restrictions.

    As an example, a level 250 can only list down to level 125, and up to level 500.
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    This is wrong. This is so wrong. You didn't listen to anything. I can not even believe this is a change Kano would think about making. What a kick in the guts.
  3. Agreed... How lame :confused:
    I guess this is why the "News" tab doesn't seem to ever update any more. No news is good news, lame news is just LAME
  4. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    They seem to only take minor insignificant things out of the ideas section, I really dont see the point in asking for feedback on the subject if they didnt want to take any of it into consideration.

    They just put in what was mentioned in the OP, and ignored the feedback totally.

    We can get little stuff here from the ideas section tho... like.... When people ignorantly complained about world boss post in thier boss feed, world boss post where moved to thier own section.

    what the people where complaining about was those post taking up a space that a real boss post could be in, but what they didnt know... is the world boss post wasnt taking up a spot in thier feed, It was a break in connection between them and thier clan/squad/mob member. Something we all experience regularly, when a certain person(s) are not visible in your socail feed for a few minutes, and then return a few minutes later.

    That idea was put it.

    Here recently, it was asked that kano put out all the past calender backgrounds, and that went up.

    when the new social feed went out, they took some feedback on it, and allowed us to fill contracts from profile page like we wanted.

    There has been several changes and tweaks to battle arena that came from feedback/ ideas.

    The hide button for the Item offers was suggested by yours truly.

    It was also from my feedback that the death by boss was changed to 1 health. instead of eiether being an abused "free death" or people being so upset from losing xp by way of boss.

    The biggest thing to come out of ideas section was hired squad, It was suggested as a way for us to help more people with earnings, and use more items. That everyone get a few more top squad spots, Everyone, the same number of top squad spots, as to not disrupt the very awesome balance in our little zombie game.

    I need not mention to any ZS player how terribly that idea was slaughtered by the devs.

    The other "major" thing that came out of the ideas section, the big rocket launchers, New challenges where asked for over, and over. The community wanted a new game, one that had XP based on level. What we got was a revision of the same game, only taking 2 months long to complete the achievements for them as to keep us "busy". being that was the major complaint, as nobody has jack didly to work on for challenges.

    I guess the moral of the story. Think small. suggest little things that could be put together in a days work, you might see your idea go thru then.

    As for big ideas, there are a lot of them sitting there. So many that Im done suggesting them. Ill support any good ideas that I see, but Im done wasting my time comming up with them.

    I really feel like if just 3 of thees ideas where put in, It would be a HUGE pickup in our game.

    Daily challenges, some task to complete, like get a number of zombie kills, boss kills, fight wins. and fight/hitlist kills, that would win you tiny favor points, and faction bonus gp. suggested by me.

    A massive planetary outbreak, that you could work on between outbreaks being finished, or waiting for a release of the next area. suggested by slave.

    and new achievments, asked for OVER AND OVER by countless people.

    Those 3 things, would make zs a game worth playing again, but alas, That would send the game too much in the right direction of longevity.

    It seems to me, Kano wants to retire, so they're trying to get us all to give up.
  5. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    'XXXXXXX' level is too low and cannot be bountied at this time. It slapped me lvl 17 over 1000 days old and wasn't even allowed to bounty it 1 time LOL, not that really care, but thought this change allowed us to retaliate.
  6. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    No. The change was for bounties.. Under level 300's can only bounty up, half their level.

  7. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Nothing more from Kano about this? Really?
  8. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    yeah this is a pretty pointless change in the game...not to sound like a d*ck, but arent there much better issues you could be working on? oh darn, a level 290 listed me and i can only kill them once....what ever will i do??? idk....move on? sighhhhh all the great ideas ive seen get passed over like its nothing just to see one that doesnt matter go thru in a month or 2...unfreakinbelieveable

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