[All] "Like" Button for WC Comments

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Mabest, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    Would be nice to have a "like" button to click on a comment in the World Chat so you don't actually have to comment. I would like to be able to actually "like" some comments without having to respond to anything. Sometimes the WC moves so fast and comments fall off. We have a "like" button for boss helps, adventure helps, etc. How hard would it be to plug this feature in for all games? :)
    George Burd and Kirsten like this.
  2. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    its a interesting idea I dont use WC much but I support this for those who do
    Mabest likes this.
  3. RainSunGone

    RainSunGone Well-Known Member

    i like the idea not sure it could be implemented though...
    Mabest likes this.
  4. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    too funny. I've actually in one of my zoned out times gone over to click like in wc.

    Truth be told it's nifty but as stated they scroll so fast I'm not sure it's worth the developers time. Since no one would see much of the likes as it scrolls on by.

    Unless they gave us cute little like stars or something in our names there.


    nifty little idea but I'd really really much rather the developers work on something in the game than a like button that would only show the like for a minute or two when chat is rolling.

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