level 1730 against 3000+

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by mad spar vic, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. mad spar vic

    mad spar vic New Member

    so i went to go battle today and when i did click the link the page loaded with [SAWU] Ghost o Striker Eyed, [SAWU] For King and Country , [SAWU] Rat Roughknuckles Karen, [hsd1] Captain Jack 1, ole bill. why are theses people coming up in my battle feed when i am only a 1730? there were 2 that were close to my level.
  2. they cant hit you unless you hit them

    but as you get higher your list gets filled with those higher than you

    you can attack them

    but unless you attack them

    they cant attack you

    btw this was asked before already

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