[LCN] September 2nd Update - New Achievments & Hitlist Stats

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    2 new sets of achievements were released to Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra today along with Hitlist Stats on your profile.

    lcn_job_assisted_1.jpg lcn_job_done_1.jpg
    Jobs Assisted
    You can now earn achievements based on the # of Jobs you assist. There are 8 achievements to earn for assisting 10 up to 10,000 Jobs.

    Jobs Completed
    You can now earn achievements based on the # of Jobs you complete. There are 8 achievements to earn for completing 10 up to 50,000 Jobs.

    Hitlist Stats
    Stats for your fights you Win/Lose while on the Hitlist have been added to your profile.

    As always we appreciate your feedback so if you have any comments please add them to this thread.

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