doing this to make it less messy you coupld say in the general discussion area of the forums because i see that there are threads that are deticated to a single question(a couple i have made) for kano to answer. also if this works the way i am thinking then it will be alot easier for kano to answer questions that arent needed to be answered by support and for whoever asks a question would be more likly to get it answered. but not sure if it will work the way i want but hell it is worth a shot. so how bout it start asking questions and wait for kano to respond.
ok first off Kano is closed on weekends and holidays and they also do not work 24/7 so today they are home away from us crazies
whats going on with the idea that was moved to consideration ages ago...having an attack loadout and defensive loadout to choose from with just one click? myself and a few others have asked about it within its own thread with no answer from kano in any way
@Demonik1 I've mentioned a couple times that we've had to move the implementation of these back. We're currently looking for a new window. @Salman I'm sure this has been answered a few times, I'll try and dig up a relevant thread.
thank you, will be waiting your answer. Since this topic is brought up, i think it should be updated with all question on the first post, so people come here and check whether their questions is here or not.. After a time, this post will be the #1 source for all people who have got a questions.. Just a thought.
thanks, i remember a post about some things being moved back and why but i dont think anything specific was mentioned or that the idea was actually being implemented at all. it was moved to consideration a while back and as far as i can remember thats the last that i had heard of it.
been a while sence this thread was used so ill bring it back up and i also have a question for kano. on the forums why do you have different colors for the threads before you click them and i know what the colors meen but what i am asking is what is the point to having them. here is a pic of what i am talking about: you hav silver colored ones and that color but i feel like if your going to have an icon say if "this thread is hot" it should be updated so that when nobody is posting in it it would go back to silver meaning thread isnt hoy anymore. basicly what i am saying is i dont feel like it is 100% completed and i feel like it is sorta pointless to have for i dont think anybody looks ayt the color and sees that "this thread is hot" soi gota go check it out and comment/read it
oh no i didnt meen the little lock bar across it i ment the ones that where like the envelope in the middle but are silver. i just put those up because i was showing examples of what i was talking about, i realised after reading it once that it could be a little hard to know what i was taling about so i through that in there so people dont hink that it is anything else yeah it sorta just happend that way that the 3 where all different. didnt do that on purpose
Actually I think Kano has alot more important things to do then even answer this lol, IMO so go play your game before I hurt you , Brat
whatever(sticks tongue out). mi7ch will answer the question... i think he is a cool guy and usually answers nearly all questions the community asks
Agreed Linda(biting my tongue Neil) Besides next new idea you get every couple day's. How about this, stick to 1 and work on it. Not 5
Ha ha I knew there was something to explain it to him , he wonders about the strangest things lol Nice work SS
no that isnt what i was asking, i already stated that i knew what they meant, but what i was asking was why that is even here because because once a thread is "hot" it will never go back to being regular(as they would ssay "not a hot thread"). and there are some other reasons i have for asking the question but i was asking, is it really necessary to have something like that here for it is sorta pointless and incomplete as of now but could be somewhat usefull if completed.
Oh...well it's built into the forum software (vBulletin) so Kano did not implement are right though once a topic becomes "hot" it never cools down. Additional info... The default settings are 150 views or 15 replies in order for a thread to be deemed "hot" this can be changed by an Admin if they wish (vBulletin Options -> Forum Display Options.)
i just bumped it so that if people have any questions that they want to ask they post them here i forgot about this thread lol and remembered earlier today so i bumped it before i forget lol. and ill be gone from tomorrow around noon til late on friday so have to do it today