[PC] kong "bully" experiment

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by George Burd, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    with kong being a less popular server and trying to get people to stay, I would like some dev input on the following possibility:
    Bountys can only be placed in ones battle range unless the person is on rival list
    I know I will get the usual responses of "its a fighting game, and there is already protection button", but like everything else it is too little and easily bypassed. "we dont change the rules" yes kano has changed the rules in several aspects to adapt to a changing client base. "I had to go thru it so they can too" no they dont not everything is about what you had to do or go thru. "ill quit if they do that" oh well more will take your place
  2. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    kong is kind of fizzling out from what i could tell...it looks like just a handful of players over there that just keep on chugging along, probably cause they put so much time into it theyd hate to give it up now...that being said, i think it would be a smart idea over there at least for a little while to see if participation will increase...unless it would take a boatload of time to do then i say no
    George Burd likes this.
  3. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Bleh, kong/Armor server could be revived in a few easy steps but the steps have to be taken by Kano, there's nothing we as users can do... :p
    Step 1 - Contact Armor and Kong and express your wishes to create Achievements and Badges.
    Step 2 - Actually create said Achievements and Badges.
    Step 3 - Go live and watch the Armor/Kong communities flood the game in or to acquire these new shineys for their profile page.

    N.B Those reading this that have never played on kong or armor... both sites are social gaming websites, games can create on-site achievements for which you're awarded badges, these achievements don't affect the gameplay but merely give you a badge/achievement tile you put on your profile, people got nuts for them over there.
  4. Vic

    Vic Active Member

    that's interesting because it thought it was mentioned on here a while ago that kano does not have any control/does not wish/has no plans to create more achievements for badges.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    This part of your statement is correct; we do not have any control over whether or not our games get badges/achievements. It's nice in theory to say "Kano make this happen" because it would be cool and would inject some more players into the game, but it's not something we can just do.

    Kongregate has to agree to it first and while we do pester them about getting more promotions and putting our game in front of more eyes, they haven't done it as of yet.
    George Burd likes this.
  6. Chasity

    Chasity Well-Known Member

    Funny you should mention BAdges! I just now got one on Armor:
    Quest Complete
    Birthday Time
    Celebrate the Armor Games birthday by playing one of our games. Also, eat cake!
    Woot, woot! Hahahaha :) Pirate Clan is the only game I play on Armor.
  7. Mabest

    Mabest Well-Known Member

    Badges?? We don't need no stinking badges! lol :p
    Kirsten, Chasity and George Burd like this.

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