[LCN] kano says we got new improvements

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by maddog1122, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    while you brought us another new city, I was just checking out the stats and availability to craft with the new items. so far out of doing fived of the new jobs, there is nothing for the higher levels to craft with, sure we get more useless junk items to put in our inventory, but the stats on those items are not equal to the limited items. the three new gift items you brought out are totally useless also, what can we craft with stats, 9-0, or 9-9. these items don't even appear on my fighting strength lists, and you say these new items and improvements are also for the higher levels, I'm not the highest level, but I am in around the 21 to 22 highest levels, and theres nothing i can still use once again even with the new gear you brought out with the los angels bosses and jobs. I've made several suggestions on how to make us higher levels happy and none have even been taken for granted or discussed with you guys, and we lost two more older players today. that makes a total of ten players that I know of that's played for years that has quit in the last couple months becuz nothing is being listened too. and replys have not been made by kano, or mitch on these suggestions. I know of six other higher players that have said they may be leaving the game also soon. I understand how some of the things we suggest may not be possible right now but you don't even discuss with us who play the game every day how to fix any problems with developing them. you don't take our ideals or our comments to heart and you certainly don't discuss our concerns most of the time, except to make a broad statement like you did on what you have done. we don't care about what may be fair to higher levels, should you make stamina a certain amount or what we may have missed out. if you raised the stamina for the same amount to everyone, then its fair for all.
    this game has come to being just a cash hog for most and who can spend the most. even tho the older players could spend more money to get higher gears or stonger than others, we are not gonna spend thousands of dollars to keep supporting the game as a few new players may and in the long run, your cash flow to your company will hurt for it, will the new players be able to replace a lot of the older players money if we all decide to quit. maybe, but the game certainly would suffer for it and you would still be missing all the older players money until the new players paid to level up and out gear older players. I've bought a lot of gear, supported this game for almost eight years or longer, but i had to fight my way up on lower gear just like everyone before me and that's why your older players are unhappy with the way you made the game as it is now. newbies can become the top ten players if they got the cash without even earning that right. what would you do if there was a mass amount of older player quit playing your games over the next year. would you be able to survive? it seems tome that the few items that you do throw into the pot is not enough to keep players interested in playing, myself, I've been jumping back and forth between your game and other games so I don't lose interest here myself and it certainly is the fact that a lot of my family and friends play these games , otherwise I too would have quit awhile back
  2. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    ways to make us happy
    1. Stop all the personal attacks on players about familys or personal life events such as financial, parents, Dirty name callings.
    2. make crafting items with stats either equal to limited items or higher.
    3. raise gift items stats to reasonable stats to at least end up on higher levels fighting strength lists, so we can actually use them for a little while. (haven't been able to use any gift items on fight strength lists for over three years)
    4. when you bring out new jobs , challenges or bosses, at least make the stats equal to the stats of gear available now.
    5. change the way to level equal or the same for all so that people actually have to do the work to earn their levels. (adjust for at least every thousand levels you earn on stats or rewards.)
    6. when we suggest something that needs to be fixed or what we would like happen, at least comment back to us either in private messages or in game that you at least got our messages and considered our ideals and ask us how we think it might be able to be done.
    7. on stockpile gear, give us some new gears with stats on them to be able to goon fight strength levels for at least level 10000 or higher.

    these are just some of the things that would make a lot of us a lot happier and maybe want to stay in the game
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2016
    LCN Player and Sandy Barrows like this.
  3. Dcasso

    Dcasso Well-Known Member

    Agree on number 6 :)
  4. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    what makes me mad is the newbies with bought power make fun of your older players that struggled to get where you are, you are letting the new less than 6 month old players make a mockery of your loyal players, we ask to get help to offset this but you say spend more that aint fair we paid our time with hard work, and cash over the years, its time to even the game make bonus for fighting based on years of active playing, make skill points more valuable, limit the power new people can have like basically % of the stats till you get your feet wet. There are so many aspects to chose, BUT KANO THE PROBLEM IS THEY ARE MAKING FUN OF YOUR LOYAL PEOPLE AND THINKS ITS FUNNY THEY CAN COME IN AND BEAT US WITH NO EXPERIENCE. Heck most dont know the difference between mob truce and syndicate alliance and they can beat me fighting this makes no sense
    Erik Bergstrom and Sandy Barrows like this.
  5. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    well us a lot of us can buy the same amount of gear if we want to spend thousands of dollars, some of us are on fix budjects also, i'm one of the lucky ones that do have a budject for game playing, but i aint gonna waste all of it just for one game to beat someone. I could also spend the money to beat the top third or fourth game player but I would quit before I did that, no skill or energy put into it, would make it very boring and i would just become a target on my personal llife as the current number 3 and his wife has become. I've already had my share of personal family attacks.
    simply way of stopping the mockery is to do what I asked in number 1 on my list, stop or ban those who continue to do so by banning them for awhile in world chat or get rid of world chat altogether. if hey continue then banned them from the chat permently. they should only get one warning ban before they are permently banned from the chat. better ideal would to get rid of the chat altogether, certainly would stop a lot of the time for kano to answer questions and problems and would give them more time and money to solve other games to the fighting and leveling problems and it certainly would stop the problem to all the mockery and name calling and personal attacks on older players
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
    Sandy Barrows, sable and Kirsten like this.
  6. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Also now with the stats of the items i see in the new city I know now i do not have any reason to level up anymore, i might as well sit where I am, to be honest i would like to have a way to reset my all my skillpoints, i dont need alot of energy no more i dont want alot of stamina, i dont need it to level. Level used to make you stronger but now it dont so why rush, why put money in, why put time and effort in can someone at kano give me 1 good reason to level anymore or even to spend to level. I guess you dont realize some of your people spent not on items but to level to help to get stronger with your items and craftable boss's and used some to buy items, we didnt want a game where you had to buy only items to be strong which turns the game into the same problem zynga had they bought power and look what happens.
    maddog1122 and Kirsten like this.
  7. Starmaster

    Starmaster Member

    The biggest mistake Zynga made was refusing to listen to what their product wanted because it was all about the customers. By this I mean ad people. It seems as though it would be even more critical here. Yes, I am a new player but I try to contribute. The only way we as new people should be able to advance quickly is to buy refills and WORK for it. I'd just hate to get into another game that is going to fold due to lack of communication.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  8. Mary Lou

    Mary Lou Member

    Sadly Starmaster, that is what is happening now in LCN. We keep telling the Devs that very thing, but they don't seem to listen. Many of our older players have left the game in the last few months and more will be leaving in the future.
  9. Starmaster

    Starmaster Member

    That was kind of the point of my statement. If they don't change the old will leave, the rich will soar to high levels, and the new frustrated people will quit leaving the rich no targets.
  10. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    To Starmaster you have a grasp on the situation. it used to be a boss reward chasing game, if you didn't have enough boss's buying things wasn't enough the last 2 to 3 yrs has been a drastic change with items updating weekly, the crates used to stay 3 months or longer. The crates are now total close to 1000 in stat's we been telling them for over a year now to stop raising these items so fast, put a purchase limit on them 100 of a limited item, we gave them ideas, they give us empty promises like the new city the items was to have a drastic upgrade but when it came out it was the normal we are tired of being led on. Listen to your customers or you game will die, I also don't wanna here about the problems any changes could bring nothing is worst than what is happening now and with the feature you brought the raids have really ruined the game.
  11. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    a friend of mine reminded me that it used to be that if you wanted to talk w/c, you had to get speaker points, a lot less trouble back then also, so why don't you stop a lot of the problems from world chat and return tot he speaker points. it would certainly stop all the nasty remarks, or at least slow them down and make it easier to control. well I can enjoy a joke or having fun, it should not be at the expense of bullying or attacking people personally. Has anyone really took in the fact that maybe someone that really has deep problems might play this game to try to relax and then someone attacks them personally and its just enough to push that person over the edge, so either they commit suicide or might attack a school or a group of people then kill themselves. I wondered over the years , just how many times that may actually have happened without us knowing that it could have been stopped
    Sandy Barrows and LCN Player like this.
  12. Starmaster

    Starmaster Member

    I'd say job firings and divorces would be more likely than suicides and killing sprees but then again the times we live in make that unsure. Sad and tragic. Unless it is politics I generally try to treat people how I wish to be treated. BTW Kano, I like being listened to and answered even if I don't like the answer. Just so you know. LOL
    LCN Player likes this.
  13. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Like this? http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/world-chat-speakers.12160/#post-98013
    Erik Bergstrom likes this.
  14. maddog1122

    maddog1122 Active Member

    exactly jades, thanks for proving that link, that is exactly what is happening and people are leaving becuz of it
    Sandy Barrows likes this.
  15. LCN Player

    LCN Player New Member

    o just want to say "yes" to every word, especially to the devs and mods who seem to be spending too much time combing personal emails for alts and actually pay attention to what we are saying and of whom we speak. If more than five to ten bring cheats to your attention would it not imply that that there is a good chance they are cheats? I have one. It just happened. What code did you pass around so that someone can blow a rig? Who, did you give the code to? I KNOW. I know but you will do nothing about it. You ask for screen shots and intricate details that even when given you do nothing. Shall I sing Dylan "From a Buick Six"? Why did you leHit t certain players/synds get the in on how to blow a Hit list rig? I have set rigs were avoided on someone. She got around the rig? And don't day it was a timing thing because it was not. We need to add to this list that you all do your job. I fired people who could not work. A rigged ignition on a Hit List was just avoided and I was HL'd earlier, and I set a rig. I want that code. You should share that code with us all, right? Be fair. Be judicious. Be actual devs and moderators and don't just hang out and laugh at us who have genuine observations on how to proceed with an HONEST game.

    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  16. LCN Player

    LCN Player New Member

    The DEVS and MODS do not care. They only want the money. They just laugh at out screenshots, stats, outlines, observations of blatant cheating by players in PUB being able to get around rigged ignitions. Please KANO, change that code now. You have this game turning in Mafia Wars fast so the money may have you on a temporary high, but as long as cheat codes are being passed around to HOT and PUB you might as well share it with us all. Right? Fair game? And you will say "screenshot, etc" but it means squat as we all know all you do is go through in game emails to look for alt talk. Nothing more. You do your job by nailing the cheats and you will have a good game. You encourage syndicates to cheat then you kill the game. What's it gonna be? I love being HL'd by someone I rigged who somehow, not by time, got around the rig. I wish I could make 2000 levels in 180 days. Nothing going on around here folks.
  17. LCN Player

    LCN Player New Member

  18. LCN Player

    LCN Player New Member

    I noticed this after I finished Dublin Madrid and that things are not looking like building up the stockpile really matters if the elite build out is not worth a sticky bomb. That and seeing in the wide open that the code for getting around rigged ignitions must be changed because it is getting used, the straight players are getting used and the whole KANO thing is losing it's grip on management. I know, kill a game build a game, like the bar business; but we come here to get AWAY from real world BS and here you throw it in our face by allowing, maybe your mods are doing it, but codes are being passed to cheat big time. CHANGE THE RIG IGNITION CODE!!!!
  19. LCN Player

    LCN Player New Member

    Great observation but you know they will do nothing, the same as with alts, they will do nothing. Someone in KANO is selling off code or someone from the Mafia Wars influx thinks it's more fun to cheat than to play a straight game. You should be ashamed. Not "You" but KANO, KANO should be ashamed of the management side of LCN. I guess they want to kill LCN. Why not sell off code to friends? You are out of your minds if you think this LCN game will survive when you are selling off code just a couple of months after Mafia folded. You must change your codes. You make good money. Fire the dead weight. You have moles and cheats in your LCN management. Wake up. SLEEPERS, awake! By the way, KANO, you all are the sleepers, we are the ones who held up a great game and worked hard to keep it clean. We failed. You win. You sold off code and think we are all the dumber for it.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    What exactly is blowing a rig ? Not setting it off ??

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