to get a picture on kano play for your avatar do you have to make your primary email on gravatar the same as on kanoplay or can you have it a secondary email on gravatar?
Your one gravatar account can be used to link in multiple emails to various pictures. So if your secondary email in gravatar is the same as your login email for Kano Play then the avatar will work, you just have to set a picture to your secondary email.
hey the picture isnt transferring over to my kanoplay account and they are both the same email. i set it to my primary email so ill try again in about a half hour and see if it works, ill put an edit saying if it worked or not EDIT: ya its not working so should i contact support about this? EDIT 2: it is working now
@neill1990 Yeah, if you've got the same email on both your Gravatar and Kano Play account and they're still not syncing after a reasonable amount of time, then you should contact Support. Please bear in mind that our normal Support person won't be back until tomorrow, so there might be a slight delay in the response time!