View attachment 3472
I want to a, b, c something to everyone.
Recently a person had a problem with the game. He spotted it right away. The April Calendar end reward was given, then taken away in seconds. As if someone at Kano was in control of his account. I have the screen shot of the level up and in the game history a different level.
He wrote Kano and Kano assured them they "fixed" the problem in response,
But then someone at Kano reversed that and more, taking Gold from the account in the amount 32 Quadrillion!
They also posted to the home page of the account a message the account was under review (see below).
In the past the same person has been listed by a Kano employee, then immediately frozen then in 2 mins unfrozen in the game. Adding injury to insult, 30 minutes later, their account was frozen for several hours.
The person to be fair has like all high levels been complained against, and has had a second household account removed.
All of "us" have gone through various complaints but none as so personal as this person has. Not in my experience. Imagine a developer was sitting in a control room watching your account and to mess with you, removed inventory (seen that one on another account), or removed level up rewards? Or bounty gold? All of these things I have seen.
The bottom line to me, is that someone at Kano exercises power in the form of duress on players, either to make them more pissed off and play harder or to in some cases, finally say enough.
So what can "we" do?
We can like sheep, carry on ... "its not me" ... "fcuk him he is an as$hle" but remember, they can do this to you too. To piss you off. To make you wonder what YOU do is wrong.
And in this case, this person did not spend a dime on the game. Lots of players don't spend a cent and do very well.
I remind, you need enemies in this game as well as friends.
One option I am consider is turning out the lights on this game. Remove the game. Recommend this action to everyone I know in this game. In protest.
Will Kano miss me? Or miss you?
Will they take actions against the abuse they inflict on players by one of their own?
Could also do what PC players did en masse. Click the bounty button and not answer the math. Give support the problem of reinstating your account.
I am not sure. I do know, I am not playing now.
Your thoughts would be most welcome.
While this is a VC issue, it is in all Kano games as well in all networks.
Will see if they let this post "fly". I think it has to be discussed openly, if in fact there is a rotten apple in the Kano world. The Kano company itself should know as should we, the playing and paying public.
Last edited: Apr 24, 2014