Job costs changing?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Calder12, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    Yesterday the Atocha Railway Station, Madrid job cost me 25 energy today it costs 27? Are these changes normal? Are they announced and I missed it? Just curious. I set up my energy stats so the use matches my targeted job for that country, this messed me up lol.
  2. Vampryss

    Vampryss Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Is your Elite spots full?

    The Capacitor: Eradicating outbreaks require 5% less energy.
  3. Lil' Ms.Mandy

    Lil' Ms.Mandy Member

    Your squad contracts ran out. They have to be done every 2 days. It gives you bonuses like your top mafia does. I'm in FB so if you post I'll click. :)

    ETA I clicked your old ones and it put me in the money one. :(

    Look under squad contracts in you news feed and click peoples and if you have spots open it will fill them too.

    BTW I love the filtered feed. :p
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  4. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    Thanks dear, it is so weird being the person asking the questions again lmao.

    This is one of those things that needs to be easier to find. It seems to pop up when you do an outbreak then it disappears again.

    The filtered feed is fantastic! and the fact it remembers the filter is even better. I have yet to find anything about this game that I actually dislike, I have found a few areas that could use improvement and have some ideas but other than that it's still great so far.

    I really appreciate you bringing this to our attention Mandy!!

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