January 5th Developer Update - Outbreak Assistance from Top Squad

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    A new feature has been released to Zombie Slayer that allows a member of your Top Squad to assist you during Outbreaks. Whenever you do an Outbreak there is now a chance that a member of your Top Squad will assist you and apply a bonus to at least 1 of your Cash, XP or Kills reward. Inactive Top Squad members will provide a diminished boost, and if an empty spot among your top squad is chosen you will not receive the assistance bonus at all.

    This feature applies to all Outbreaks in all locations and any Outbreak Assistance you receive will be displayed in the Outbreak response. Feedback and comments are encouraged and always welcomed.

  2. striborg

    striborg Member

    i noticed this and wondered what it was. So judging by the pic you provided, does the $131,079 and 6929 Kills go towards your earnings or the person in the top squad who helped? Also did you change the way it displays when you level up, i noticed it is now up top in a little box?
  3. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    The bonus applies to YOUR Outbreak rewards only. Your Top Squad members are rewarded via Top Squad Earnings for all of your Outbreaks, Fights and Hitlist kills.

    And yes you are correct that the Level Up notification has become less intrusive by popping up in the upper left corner of your screen.
  4. Peggy Bundy

    Peggy Bundy New Member

    makes it more interesting in investing to energy ... and so you should post a screenshot with xp boost too...

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