January 21st Developer Update - Energy Boosts

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Zombie Slayer now has the ability to send Energy Boosts to your Squad members. When an Energy Boost is used you will receive a 20% boost of your max Energy. You can only use 1 boost every 24 hours and you can hold a maximum of 5 boosts at a time. Along with this change the Vaccine Boosts have been moved from the 'Squad Members' tab to the 'Boosts' tab.

    To get started click on Boosts tab which can be found in the Squad menu. [​IMG]

    Your Vaccine Boosts are located at the top of the page and will indicate if you have one active and if you can Share them with the rest of your Squad.

    Energy Boosts will show all of the Boosts you have available to you and who sent them. You can send out a Request to your Squad members or pull up a shortlist of 10 Squad members that you can send a boost to using these buttons.

    Note for Facebook users:
    When a boost is sent to you it first goes to your Facebook requests. You must accept them through request before they will show in your Energy Boosts list.

    As always we appreciate your feedback and comments.
  2. striborg

    striborg Member

    now people will be asking for stamina boost, wait and see.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  3. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    Don't like the pop ups required to send or the SPAM created by having 15 boosts on my FB page that I can't use. I'll now have to go a delete them daily which is just another chore.

    I'd rather not have them if this is how they will stay....
  4. Jessica

    Jessica Member

    I like the idea of the energy boosts but not the way it was added. As was already said going through multiple windows to accept, use, and return them is a bit over kill. One of my favorie things about this game is you can play it even if you only have a few spare minutes but if you want to be helpful and return all energy boosts to your squad mates thats very time consuming. I think a lot of people would like it better if it was just simplified to where you click share energy boost and it shows up in a feed like vaccines and each person can accept 1 boost once a day.
  5. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    You can only hold a maximum of 5 boosts at a time so you should not be receiving a ton of Requests. Once you have the maximum your Squad members will no longer be able to send boost to you.

    We are looking into accepting the Facebook Requests for these boosts within the game itself which will remove the need to jump in and out of the game. Also, sending a boost from the in game feed could also be optimized a little better to remove one of the pop-up windows. This is a brand new feature so you can expect to see it evolve in the coming days/weeks.

    RjBESTNUB Member


    Cant their be an update were we can accept them at the boost page and not have to go to a facebook gifts page to accept them. People with a little slower computers like mine takes alot longer to get back and forth and is just plain annoying having to go back and forth everyday or whenever u stop accepting. It is a good update though.
  7. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    Smack - Thanks for the response. Since my last post I haven't had any further FB spam regarding energy boosts which is good.

    They did go mad there for a bit though!

    The feature and idea is good, so with some refinement for ease of use it should be a nice add on. Generally though, anything you do requiring changing pages and jumping back to FB is going to annoying to people, just saying ;-)

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