Jan. 12th Dev Update - Fight Response/Faction Joining

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Eric, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Couple updates for today:
    -Small bug fixes
    -Fight result windows have slightly changed to include any health or error responses within the window.
    -Dedicated Faction members can only contribute gamer points. New members must wait until the next day start before any rewarded points will be contributed to the Faction gamer point totals.
  2. Hated

    Hated Member

    im sorry my friend, but some thing bad has happend..

    "-Fight result windows have slightly changed to include any health or error responses within the window."

    this has made the game worse im sorry to say, when you would be in a good back and forth you could heal and get a fue attack in, now you have sevral people SPAMMING the "attack again" button and as soon as you heal you have about .3 of a second to use that health..

    it was good to loose the 'attack button' when you where in hospital, it gave you a chance to heal and retaliate, unlike now..

    you just opened up the game to spammers..
  3. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    We're looking at removing the attack button for specific cases where you (the attacker) have no immediate control over changing the error.
  4. Hated

    Hated Member

    i have seen that since i posted its been fixed, the attack button goes away,
    nice quick response, good work guys :)
    its a good idea, but had a bad side too (bad has been fixed ) ..

    but i LOVE that you can click attack even if they are in hospital to see how much health they have left :)
  5. Hated

    Hated Member

    PS, it would be more than Kick ass if we could get a PUNCH button to pop up after we have hospitalized some body..
    but not in the same spot as "attack" or to many punch's will be given when its not wanted..
  6. but keeping the attack button even when other player was in hospital was a good thing because if that player is a hit and hide player keeping that button there allowed others to foil that strategy.

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