[LCN] Is there a WP Score chart?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by pokeahontas, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. pokeahontas

    pokeahontas New Member

    I did a couple searches and could not find a wp scoring chart. I am in a A division, I know I get 25wp/win on another A. Someone is trying to tell me that we get 25wp/win on any division no matter which one. I don't agree but need some back up. Please point me in the direction of the scoring for wins on each division. Thank you. :)
  2. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    There is no score chart that I know of, but the person telling you that is correct. The impact is the damage you take. I can use 200 tokens and wipe out a tier E syn for a nominal reward and losing very little health. If I go after a tier A syn, I can't take them out by myself and I lose a pile of health. Points for each attack don't depend on the tier of the target syn, it depends on your tier (and individual loadout at the time you joined, I believe).

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