Indecisive, any pointers appreciated.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by FredSlayer, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. FredSlayer

    FredSlayer New Member

    Hi, im a new player who got hooked on Zombie Slayer after 5 mins of trying it hehe.
    I only started yesterday, but with some screentime and a powerful finger for mass clicking, i am now at level 89(Doctor) and feeling a bit unfocused..

    My standard approach in these games is mostly energy based progression, but with "bosses" etc in this game, i thought id try a bit of the old "jack of all trades"...

    Atm my stats are as follows:

    I also have 50 skillpoints i havent used yet, simply because im not sure where i need them. I havent gotten into a good rhytm of work yet, so i just do my outbreaks to progress towards bossfights, and get most of my exp through fighting. I seem to do ok on fights, although i do lose a fair % of them(wich i dont mind, not having gone for fight stats anyways), so im at about 2k wins and 400 losses.

    I just want to point out that i dont usually spend money on these games, although it is an option, so if there is anything i "should" *buy* feel free to suggest so.

    Like i mentioned i dont even have 24hours on this game yet, so far my squad is only 6 people strong. Im not a big FB user, just some of their games hehe, so i dont have a 500 friend base to grab squadmembers from ;) I had a look at the "Add me" thread, but it seems 75% or more are lvl 20-50 people who tried it then left it, and id rather prefer to have a small "strong" squad opposed to having 499 lvl 5 squaddies ;p

    So, for those who actually managed reading through that fat lump of hot air, any advice on where i should focus my attention statwise and with fights&outbreaks?
    Any general tips is appreciated. Also, i dont wanna whore myself out, but if your around my lvl or higher and rising, feel free to contact for adding. I wont spam you with links here though ;)

    Thanks for your time, and hopefully your advice =)
    Have fun & stay safe.
    (Its a Zombie eat Zombie world!)
  2. SteveW

    SteveW Member

    A balanced account is best, there just isn't enough variety in the people available to fight as you get higher up. I did that and am now re-focusing skill points into energy.

    Health is important is boss fights so don't neglect that either. Different I know, but a good feature I think.

    You need 20 squad members to have a chance at fighting. Squad att/def makes up a good portion of the 'weight' in terms of calculating your chances against an opponent.

    I'm level 164, you can add me if you want :) Other than that, have fun!
  3. FredSlayer

    FredSlayer New Member

    I noticed i get quite a pummeling from the ones with 15-20 squad members hehe. I put a little more stats out, but im still not sure where to dump the rest, im almost level 100 now, so still stuck with 50+ leftover points ;p

    I feel like i have enough stamina atm, same for health. So im wondering if i should invest in energy or in atk\def.. or both?

    I noticed the last 5-10 levels have been alot more fighting than earlier, and it seems this will just keep growing in scale... So, atk\def most usefull?
  4. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    Your attack and defense are way too low for your level which explains why you're getting pummeled by the 15 to 20 squads (how are you even seeing 20 squads? You should be way too low for that lol)

    Your squad attack and defense is limited by your own attack and defense. It is your max squad size times your own stats.

    So for you lets say for ease your squad size is 17 that means the maximum your squad attack can be is 680 and your defense 510.

    To put that in perspective if you added those 50 points evenly between attack and defense your top squad numbers become Attack: 1105 and Defense: 935 quite a substantial difference.

    When fighting click the Show Details and look at where you're being beaten, upgrade your items too.

    Check the Beginner guide in the FAQ's forum I think it's rather helpful lol ;)

    BTW here were my stats at level 107

    Attack 153
    Defense 148
    Health 1070
    Energy 92
    Stamina 122

    Now I honestly don't remember the squad size for that level but going with our original 17 as an example that makes my squad strength a max of Attack: 2601 and Defense: 2516 See why you're getting thumped? lol
  5. FredSlayer

    FredSlayer New Member

    Yeah, what i mean is, im having trouble finding the point for point value right now. Ill try to explain my reasoning;
    When i go to fight, my list is stuffed with 5-20 squad member enemies.
    I myself now have 8 squad members, and i have more or less 75% win ratio, i loose once every 4 fights more or less.
    1 fight yielding 10-50 exp depending. The best outbreak i can do atm, gives a little under 3:1 ratio.

    So, with my crap atk and def, i still manage 75% wins and if i ignore outbreaks, i can level purely on fights if i want as is now. Should i really spend points on atk\str only to try and gain better than 75% win ratio? tbh i feel this is more than good enough, considering the ratio given can be as much as 50:1 for me. so, if i invest 100 energy in outbreaks, i end up with little under 300 exp. 100 stamina usually brings me close to a level or over it(its just a matter of bothering to click click click really..).

    So, my brain says i should just chuck shit in energy-stam-health. My Squad isnt comprised of 7 lvl 300+ ppl ;P more like 5ppl under mine and 2 over...
    Starting to think "lucky" fighting and outbreaks will be the way to go, since im going to need a good and full(20) squad to make a diff, not just boost atk\def right?

    I might just be overworrying, considering its only day 2 for me ;) still much appreciate the insight hehe
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
  6. Calder12

    Calder12 Member

    Yeah the thing to keep in mind is ZS does have anti bullying built in, meaning the weaker your opponent the lower the experience gained from a win. So you may not want to get too strong, however my reasoning is this.

    If I am strong and I get fought when I am offline I win, I get experience and I get money. If I am not strong I get hammered every time I have health. You can watch your fights and only fight the ones with equal squad numbers (or find the squad level that gives the best experience) This is really the only way to gauge things at a glance of the fight list.

    As Stevie said the higher you get the worse the fight is to find decent experience fights so you do need that energy, but I have not seen a single outbreak that pays anywhere near fight experience and I doubt we will.

    Also keep in mind you need attack and defense to hit bosses with decent damage, health makes a big difference here too.

    My win ratio is slightly higher than yours at about 80% but the losses really come from always attacking full squads looking for that elusive high experience fight.

    In the end there are a ton of ways to play this game, but even with the downfalls of being too strong I'll take that over getting spanked offline constantly every day of the week ;)

    In the end Stevie is right, balance is what you're striving for, being overly strong is detrimental to leveling as is being overly weak.
  7. FredSlayer

    FredSlayer New Member

    Alrighty, these are my current stats now at lvl 106, still only 8 in my squad.

    Numbers collected from stat allocation page btw.

    I figure ill start dividing my point stash on str and def and a little on health then =)
    Thanks again for the input, im sure it wont be long before im back spamming the forum over some other insignificant details. :D
  8. FredSlayer

    FredSlayer New Member

    I just got banned due to nonexistant automation o_O
    Sigh ;p put a post in bugs section, but random no reason bans smell funny in my nostrils.. Hope it gets sorted fast, but it still leaves me with a bad taste :|
  9. darkfuzzyone

    darkfuzzyone New Member

    Hi well my charector is a level 40 doctor currently and these are my skills:

    Energy - 15
    Stamina - 80
    Health - 350
    attack - 50
    defence - 49

    As you can see i level using fighting and i have 1000 fight wins with 5 loses and over 20 kills so if your looking for a charector who focuses on fighting then this is it.
  10. well hope that gets straightened out for ya.

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