[All] inactive accounts

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by neill1990, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    so we all know newer people on kong and kanoplay s2 will more then likly never get all real player caps, so why not allow people to buy an inactive account so they can reach full. would only be 2-5fp per captain but this was it allows everybody to be able to get all 2k captains no matter when they join.

    there are literally thousands and thousands of inactive accounts so might as well let players add them into their crew/mob and just as hired caps you are not aloud to buy after 1k has been reached same would apply to them
  2. RafeDavid

    RafeDavid Well-Known Member

    I'm curious how long do others think it should take a new player to reach their 1000 mobster limit? This isn't something that happens within a few days of playing. It takes time and effort to seek out players, send the invites, scour the chat rooms/boards, etc... Now if there aren't enough active players for new players to get their mob then I'd say Kano might want to consider a new marketing plan, merging platforms, something to increase activity but not just give new players 1000 mob.

    If that is the case why not make it everyone just starts out with 1000, make it so old players can demob everyone at no cost and still retain their 1000 mobsters, and then let the battle begin because everyone would be free game to attack. Then when you can actually get to a hit that someone's bot didnt kill instantly you aren't then blocked because you mobbed up with them 600 days ago when you actually put in the time and effort to get to 1000 mobsters.
    MobMan likes this.
  3. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    you probobly play on facebook and on there it isnt an issue whatso ever to get 1k real caps but as i stated on kanoplay S2 and kong new players literally cant get 1k caps unless they are on 24/7 adding every new player that might happen to join and even sending them invites wont get them to add you sometimes yes other times no.

    and you wouldnt just have them added you would pay 1-5 FP per cap, these would be INACTIVE accounts could just be an account that logged on once and then left about an hour or less later either way wouldnt matter. But this is an idea to help others who cant get full clan get the full clan.

    ive seen it quite often when a new player starts then finally starts to understand game they dont want to stay because the veterans have full 2k caps but they will never be able to achieve that, that there is a huge turn off for players. so giving them an option to actually be able to achieve full 2k like the older members i think would be a good idea, wich could have some people who wouldve quit stay
    George Burd likes this.
  4. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Doesn't matter what platform it is Nelli no. Because in the land of Kano you do something like this to one game eventually it will roll into the other games. Sorry but i will smack no pun intended smack. This idea down every time i see you post it. You decided to play on a platform that may or may not ever have enough players to get a full load of captains. That was your choice. Don't change dynamics of the game as this would be a game changer for many abuses. If i could give you a Zero i would. But its 1 star
    Old Salt likes this.
  5. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    i already have 1k real caps on kong, just posted this for the new players will be able to get full caps
    George Burd likes this.
  6. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    let them earn it on there own
    AlterEgoT likes this.
  7. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Then why post this. It has no affect on you. The new players have to do like we all have done. You earn your captains 1000 purchased 1000 hired plain and simple. No purchasing 2000 period.
    Old Salt and Kirsten like this.
  8. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    just posting to see what others think because i think it could have a positive outcome to it. some people quit the game on kong and kanoplay s2 becasue they literally wont be able to get 1k real caps so having something like this in place will eneble them to be able to get them all but just at a cost of FP.

    just think that it would stop some players from quitting/ have newer players stay longer
  9. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    believe it or not in my opinion this should not count or go thru what so ever all of the new players that do join they need to earn there stripes like the rest of us which it would be fair game...unless if they are willing to do full refunds of what people spent on the game to get hired guns!! Just Saying in a respectful way!! but buying inactive accounts that is a big time no deal from me at all..why buy inactive accounts the new players in the game if they wanna play they can earn it like the rest of us..have a great day..
    AlterEgoT and MobMan like this.
  10. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    btw talkin about newer players their are not really new players half of the time which is almost 87% percent of new players are mostly alt accounts...so why do something like this which it will gain them the upper hand an what they will do is keep on making them an using them as bounty transfers an etc....so whats the point at coming out with this idea..not a great idea if i may say on this one..okay im done chatting now..
  11. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    you would have to pay to get them unless they spend alot of money to buy all real caps and hired wouldnt be that big of an issue
    George Burd likes this.
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    And if they came back to play ,then what, we all worked and put the time in to get captains,why should new players not have to also., I have said it before but I will say it again, if people choose to play games on a non social network,that is their choice and their problem
    Jon Ward likes this.
  13. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    they still have to put work into getting them, just they would have to buy them and add people to achieve 1k real caps on top of having to buy hired caps to get the full 2k caps
    George Burd likes this.
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Why don't the players who already play there clan these new players if you are concerned for them, help them get clan. :) But the problem is you , they , whoever is there, chose to play on a network where this is always an issue, I know this was an issue on the old myspace, so again , why play on those types of platforms, makes no sense to me . Kano has the code thing, use that, personally on FB I don't clan codes , cause more likely is is just gonna be an alt, I keep getting clan requests on FB lately and 90 % of them have " FP profile unavailable," so the request gets deleted.
  15. Old Salt

    Old Salt Well-Known Member

    Too many newer players looking for shortcuts with their credit cards. Nope. You gotta get them the way everyone else did.
    AlterEgoT and Kirsten like this.
  16. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    Who pays for virtual text anyway?
  17. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    It's not going to happen period. Again you decided to play on a network or platform that had issues getting up and going to begin with. If you want to play with a full boat of captains. Like you said. Go to facebook. If you have your full captains great. Quit trying to give players an easy way out in getting something they don't deserve period. If you want this to truly pass then it's going to be 500 favor points 1 captain. If you don't want to spend 500 favor points for 1 captain then i guess you do it the hard way like we all did you earn it.
  18. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    honestly doesnt bother me the cost could even be 10FP or even 15FP so that they cost more then hired caps, just think this could have a positive outcome for the game is all
    George Burd likes this.
  19. George Burd

    George Burd Well-Known Member

    the "good ole boys" will always cry if they think someone has a chance at something they didnt "earn"
  20. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    also this idea could be just for the platforms and games that actually need it because obviously FB wouldnt need any help with getting caps at all but the other 2 platforms just need a boost to encourage people to stay so they dont try to play then shortly after playing for a week or 2 say man what is the point of playing if i cant get as many caps as the older people all because i didnt know about the game when it first released

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