[All] In game messages REVAMP

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by JADES, May 6, 2013.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Everyone knows messages are out of date, do not make this a priority please DEV'S, but let us think of some kind word's gamers would like to see added. I think this will be a fun idea and maybe can get some good messages added, if not still be a good laugh. Post anything you would like to say to your rival.

    This is the old thread http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/in-game-message-ideas.4766/

    Example: Quit humping my leg, it's dear to me
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
  2. neill1990

    neill1990 Well-Known Member

    one could be:
    why don't you stop turtling and fight like a man.

    another could say:
    why attack me when i'm offline you scared bro?
  3. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    It seems to me that most of the fixed messages are hostile in some way. I have found that sometimes I would like to say something not hostile to someone who is not clan but I am unable to say much more than Yes, No and Thanks!!! I agree it is very limiting. Maybe another category of message that was not hostile as there are three categories currently. At the moment we only have QUESTIONS, ANSWERS AND RESPONSES (whatever the difference is supposed to be). A forth category would be good such as CHAT. I know there are those who don't want to clan for whatever reason but it then means you can never say anything to them that makes sense. Gets a 10 from me.
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Your bounty price sux, why you get listed.

    Please slap me again.

    Go :'( to your friend again, you will pay for it.
    Old Salt likes this.
  5. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    Call that a slap? My grandmother slaps harder than that.
    And what?
    I just called to say I love you.
    Still waiting for you to slap me.
    Sorry mate, my guild is full, please try later.
    Wanted - dead or alive - nah, just dead.
  6. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    I really want the "I just called to say I love you."
  7. Justin the killer

    Justin the killer Well-Known Member

    (Thank You For Boss Fight) can u devs add this to the messages if u can thank u
    kamikazeweasel likes this.

    GATMAN Active Member

    Usable, good idea!
    Justin the killer likes this.

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