I know I know however

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by The Protector, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    It would be nice if at least 1 member of Kano was on during the weekend and holiday since during that time alot goes on undetected since no one from Kano is on.
  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    i agree with that one ...

    i for one sees alot that gos on...
  3. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Do you mean in the forums or in the games? We do have developers keep an eye on the games to ensure nothing untoward happens, and as for the forums we rely on our wonderful volunteers to keep us in the loop of any weekend discussion.
  4. ben

    ben Active Member

    the games a lot gos on...
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I couldnt agree more. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that nobody is minding the store on weekends and holidays, and exactly for that reason its when most of the BS happens. We need somebody that can check on thing s immediately 24/7. Obviously Kano cant check everything that is reported in real time....but there are some people and things that get reported more than others that need to be checked into immediately upon it being reported. It does no good what so ever to report most things on the weekends, and when a player does they usually get the same response so they just stop reporting it altogether. Kano has always responded to this by stating they simply dont have the resources, well its time to find the resources, cut back elsewhere!
  6. ben

    ben Active Member

    you got that right pimp as the old saying gos when the cat is gone the mice will play...

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