i.e. WB apology, u guys r killn me here

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by polishpimp, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    What is wrong with you people? Another closed thread ? Why are Mods allowed to get the last word to someone and the Fn thread gets closed? Who cares if someone is getting out of control....edit them ...dont close the thread! Once again I was mid reply when the thread was closed....thats complete BS. To bad I wasnt still a moderator eh? If I was i could always just open the thread again for just me. THIS CRAP IS GETTING WAY OUTTA LINE! I will submit my reply here that I was so disrespectfully not allowed to post on the closed thread.

    Linda...your missing the point. Im not arguing whether or not you were taking some flack or whether u have the right to defend yourself. The point is that you abused your power as a moderator to speak in a unofficial capacity on a closed thread...PERIOD! We all take flack. How often do u think I or others have been taking heat and wanted to respond only to find the thread closed? Hell, Ive written full page rebuttals only to find a thread closed...imagine how frustrating that would be for me or others? What gives you the right as a forum member not a moderator to be able to go into a closed thread and speak your piece when no one else can? When i or someone else gets closed out of a thread we usually go start another one, what usually happens to that one then? It either gets closed or deleted by a moderator. See where im going here? You cant have it both ways, your either speaking as a moderator in a official capacity with the tool of a moderator and expected to behave in a certain way...or you are speaking as a player/community member with opinions of there own and no moderator privileges nor ties to Kano. Thats why WB came up with the 2 diff colored text to make it perfectly clear what capacity the moderators were speaking from. As you stated in your previous post you were just defending yourself, this coupled by the fact your text was that of a community member rather than a moderator clearly reflects an abuse of your moderator status. Why is that so hard to understand? You were understandably upset but that doesnt excuse what you did, we all make mistakes just take ownership of it and move on.

    The last thing I want to do is continue to argue with ya Linda, Ive always liked ya and thought that you brought a lot to the forums. I know you are normally very level headed and often the voice of reason in this asylum of a forum. But like the rest of us you are human and had a lapse in judgement brought on by emotional distress. Its all good in the Kano hood hun!
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member


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    Jun 2010

    Originally Posted by polishpimp
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, You posted in a unofficial capacity on a closed thread.....that is an abuse of your moderator power no matter how u slice or dice it!
    In truth if another mod closed the thread then Linda could have posted without knowing it was closed simply because mods have the ability to post in a closed thread. I have had the same thing happen to me when I used a short cut link to a thread and didn't know the thread was closed.
    The reason for this thread was for Dan to make an apology, as that's been done, I'm closing this thread now.
    I'm posting this message as a mod, I'm just unable to get the colours to work at the moment.

    RU KIDDING ME? Have u read anything she has said? she knew full well that the thread was closed. She felt she had aright to post as a community member in a closed thread and SHE WAS WRONG....SIMPLE AS THAT! YES...the thread was about WBs apology.....now go back and read the thread and see who drove the the crazy train off its rails.
  3. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I closed that thread because a member of the forum made a real life threat to another person. I don't care who you are polish, or what you think your rights are, making threats against another person is not at all acceptable on this forum. The matter had been pasted onto Dan, and he will deal with it when he has the chance. I am closing this thread because there is no reason for it to he here. I won't reply to any others on this topic, they will be closed until and admin can look into them.
    Once again, I'm am posting this ad a mod just can't get the colour to work at the moment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
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