I'd like to see Kano add the 3+2= notification on the mobile app when you've refreshed the hitlist too much, just like on the desktop version.
Too many bots on LCN to have fun in Blitz's. I guess Kano gave up trying to stop them. Sad because the other games are not have as bad as LCN
I agree. I got flagged as potentially using software because I hunt exclusively on my phone and they don't have a way to prove you're not a bot.
I would say maybe they should remove the Hitlist/button feature off of Mobile an the only way to play would be thru Desktop/Laptop! which is a good idea in away cause all out honesty on my behalf of playing these games for many of years I do find it unfair for players to use mobile knowing that the feature on mobile is 10-20% more faster then a Mouse! just saying outta of respect an not hating on mobile users.
I hear what you're saying but on my laptop I can't even get a single list kill. I just find it odd that you have to prove you're not a bot on desktop for too many clicks but flag you on mobile when they don't have the same feature.
well that is something they need to add on the next mobile update! If not all thing I can say is file for a complaint about it!
You can get kills on laptop or desktop is all just luck of the click really but in LCN some I see for barely 1/2 a second before they are gone. Don't even know who it was. I would think there was a way to slow down mobile vs laptop. The other games are just not as bad as LCN, don't know why that one is so popular.
They could also re-design the PC version by giving us larger buttons to click on and have them closer together. But That falls on Deaf Ears at Kano Headquarters. Being able to use 2 fingers is like having 2 mice working which is physically unfair to PC users.
Well if u got rid of mobile...u take the edge away from honest players competing with pc script users..that 20/30% speed difference lvls the field and gives us a small chance to get list before bot snatches it!i think kano keeds to stop the pardons they give to cheaters that sp end money!! Especially the one thats rhymes with cant!