I have max clan in Vikings now. Any suggestions on how I should spend my FPS now? Limiteds? Crates? Sale Items? Skills? Suggestions from long-standing players would be appreciated.
Not sure what level your at Jared, but if have FP's to spend and have decent stamina, invest it in bosses that actually can upgrade, whether be now or later. You know this, so should be easy decision LOL.
Thanks, Jades. What about the Alexandrite tier? Is that even worth the money you have to spend to get through the Diamond tier to get those items?
Thanks again, Jades. It doesn't seem like it's worth spending $300 to me (or $900, if you multiply it across the 3 games I play each day). I know it's not all about clan size, but I was a little disappointed when I finally hit max clan.
As Jades said stamina refills are my main use of fp's, occasionally I'll but an energy refill if I want to collect an adventure drop that crafts well above my lowest items used and rarer still limited items that are above the stats of previous items available, only to increase wp's gained when healing in the guild wars.
i spread my fp usage out a bit, mainly i use them to unload on good bosses with a crate here and a limited there when its worth the upgrade and if i see a good scheduled arena ill save them for it and spend a few hours pounding vikes into valhalla