Hitlist delay introduction

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by The_Dead_One, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. The_Dead_One

    The_Dead_One New Member

    Hello everybody,
    I'm here to suggest a change that could be made to the hitlist system and that could make the game more equal and funny for everyone, why don't you introduce a delay on hitlist based on the amount of hitlist kill a player had in a week? The idea is simple every kills you get via hitlist a delay of 2 seconds will be added to your profile so when an hitlist is added you will not see it until the delay period has expired, with this method everyone can get the option of get an hitlist without living in the hitlist page hitting every second the button refresh.
    Thank you for reading, and forgive my bad English
  2. ben

    ben Active Member

    no way 1 star if i could i would give it a 0
  3. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    For once, I agree with ben. Autoclickers, bots, and other methods of cheating and loophole exploits are not discouraged. Just grab the few legitimate bounties/hits that you can and be happy with those.
  4. The_Dead_One

    The_Dead_One New Member

    of course bots and autoclickers are the real problem I was concerned with why you say a delay of for example 1 minute on the hitlist will not discourage them? The other option is to schedule a simple SQL query on the database every day that will put in a alert list the players with a suspicios amount of hitlist kill per day, it does not seems so difficult to me..
    Kirsten likes this.
  5. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Going to have to correct you a bit there Jared, we are improving our bot detection programs and have begun applying penalties to players who meet certain thresholds in different aspects of the games as you can see in the Manual Freezes thread. I'm currently talking with the devs to see if we can spell out what we're doing a little more clearly but in the meantime if you have questions feel free to PM me.
  6. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I understand that, mi7ch. But I have seen almost no difference with the steps that have been taken over the last 6 months or so compared to when I started playing almost 3 years ago before those steps were taken. The main difference is with the Godfather bounties/hits that are put up. Without those, I wouldn't have collected nearly as many as bounties/hits as I have. The cash/gold is pretty poor for those, though, but I'm just happy to get whatever I can get as an honest player. I can wait for any announcements about new steps that will be taken. I realize that there may be a limitation to what information can be announced to the player base, and it will probably be over my head anyway.
  7. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    I'm curious, why would someone get a suspicious amount of hitlist kills?
    For some people that is all they do when they play. Others chain and some just kill bosses.
    If there was a delay of even 1 second on Lcn one would highly likely not see the listing, making it quite pointless to hunt.
  8. The_Dead_One

    The_Dead_One New Member

    Well, as a start point you should focus on players that have a ridiculously above the average kill ratio, also a check on the reload frequency of the hitlist page could a be a good parameter to evaluate, keep in mind that often bots are made to schedule at a fixed time span an action, a situation that is very unlike to happen for a real person..

    Anyway since I've read that developers are already working on a fix I am more happy..
  9. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    What is above average lol...I have over 41k hitlist kills sometimes I get lots of hl kills other days I get much less.
    I don't think it's how many hl kills we get that people should be focusing on, I believe it's the number of attacks people are able to get in a very few seconds we should have a look at. Very often while hunting along comes a nice high level to have a few attacks on and hey presto I get blocked from attacking. You will find very many of us are lucky to get a few attacks whereas some others have maybe 3 or 4 times the amount of attacks.
    I know someone is going to come along and say yeah but it's all to do with the speed of your connection...Well I probably have the worst connection of anyone, that bad I would be embarrased to post it :p and I have over 41k kills so that theory is out of the window.

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