Hitlist brackets!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by av4tar, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. av4tar

    av4tar New Member

    I remember a thread about hitlisting but not sure if it was of this nature!

    a level 300 odd can hitlist within its own XP bracket! so why can that same level 300 odd be hitlisted by someone who is approx 240 - 250 levels higher than them? hell even 700 levels higher than them! how does that make sense? specially when there has been no punch's or attack's made on the person of a higher level?

    is there some sort of bracket where after a while everyone becomes fair game on the Hitlists? if so that does'nt make any sort of sense

  2. Basically if you played some of the Z apps, you'll remember that at lvl 450 it was open season, you were thrown in with the sharks who would go from lvl 450 up even to those lvl 2-3k.

    In ZS a similar concept occurs at lvl 250.

    You still can't attack people vastly lower than yourself, but at lvl 250 you can be hitlisted by anyone, not just those lower level than yourself.

    It's a part of the game, and luckily the number of times somebody is hitlisted effects the hitlisting price, so you can't simply be kept on the hitlist all night long.

    If you are having problems with being hitlisted, here are some tips to help you out.

    in the short term

    Ride out the storm, eventually you'll cost too much for them to bother hitlisting you.

    in the longer term

    Back off whoever is hitlisting you, or find a way to make them sorry that they hitlisted you in the first place.

    Perhaps send them an add request, if you're in their squad they can't attack, punch, or hitlist you.
  3. something else that will help is make sure your properties are upgraded to the fullest and if possible at all shrinking your upkeep makes your bounty rise
  4. Big Ken

    Big Ken Member

    Thanks for the info.That helped me out also.
  5. Splatterpuss

    Splatterpuss New Member

    Regarding the Upper Level Repeat Hitlisters -

    I have been getting HL'd about 3 times a day from the same 2 people - (probably the same person). I have never attacked either one. They are Level 900+ and I am 300. There is NO way to afford a Booby Trap, HL, Ambush or ANYTHING on these people, so all I can do is just sit and let them repeat their HL-ing. Even if I can splurge for one Booby Trap, that doesn't help much.

    Since we are all on a "fixed income" (so to speak), it's not as if there is any way to make enough money to counterattack them.

    I'm curious as to what the psychology is supposed to be here. Is it just a cheesy ploy to get the lower levels to spend RL $ to buy enough money to counterattack?

    The game is fun, but certainly not worth spending any real $ on.
  6. you might not of attacked either one HOWEVER you most likely did hitlist/attack their clan and it showed on the feed.
  7. striborg

    striborg Member

    i can barely play the game anymore because i keep getting hitlisted,or [puched or fought, this guy just has to punch me one time and im dead ok seriously its getting old, im quickly running out of cash to keep healing myself, i cant do any outbreaks cause im getting hit about 20 times daily.......all because i got fed up with this guy who would go out of his way to kill me repeatedly, and he was a lvl 800,im a lvl 100+ so i punched him, thats what started it all, fun fun fun, i like playing this game only to be able to heal myself, terrible loophole they left in there, but ya know they want you to spend money right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should only be able to hitlist or attack those within your lvl, give or take a few, not a 700 lvl difference!!!!!! come on!!!!!
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  8. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Striborg, A level 800 couldn't attack/list you without you doing something to them first. So either you punched them or went for their bounty. You HAD to of done something to open up the retaliation window. If you stop your punching, after 24/48 hours, they wont be able to attack/list you, but can still punch you. If you don't do anything to them then punching is all they can do to you.

    Also, you don't need to heal to be able to do outbreaks. You can do them while your in the ER or even when your dead. So if your being listed, just heal and put all your stam on a boss and then you can do your outbreaks whether you get listed or not.

    It's been stated a few times now once you hit level 250/300 it opens you up to be hitlisted by any level in the game. There have been a heap of post's on the forum about it, and the devs never reply to any of them because THEY DON"T GIVE A CRAP! They know the higher levels will spend more money if they can beat up those smaller then them, so why would they change the rules for it?

    Suck it up lala's and find a way to fight back on your own, cause your not going to get any help here!
  9. ZING! agreed with all of this.
  10. striborg

    striborg Member

    actually they can, if you punch someone they are in a squad with, not a clan,they can look on that feed and "look you up" but if this wasnt the case, why on earth would i Punch 8 Members from UKK Clan, please tell me why! exactly,i didnt! So ok i punch some guy because he wont leave me alone, and i have his buddies open up on me, and ive been getting attacked and hitlisted by members for going on a week now, and i havent retaliated in awhile so yeah like i said its a nasty loophole, so how about you suck it up and notice how many loopholes this game has, what ive told is what happened, dont believe me try it yourself, and im only a lvl 113 i think, so your comment about "once you hit lvl 250/300" you can dismiss that cause clearly im not in that category.I was hitlisted by a lvl 200, why, i dont know, he clearly could of beat me on his own,you misunderstood me clearly, i cant do anything because im always dead! i know i can do outbreaks while in the hospital, but if everytime i click it says i have been killed, so putting stamina towards a boss does me no good if im always dead! so "Just healing" does me no good towards a boss, cause im always freaking dead!!!!!!! give you an example, of what has happened here, if i see one of my squad buddies gets punched,regardless if he provoked it or not, i can click on the user and go to his page, i then can do whatever i want to them, i can even tell my buddies,and they can do the same, regardless of what has been done,and whos fault it was, so if a member alot higher than you was targeting you repeatedly would you know retaliate, or just let him ruin the experience of the game for you??? I know im not getting any help here, i didnt come in here for that. Just wanted to point out a loophole,that the developers know about im sure.......
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  11. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    There is no loophole. What your talking about is called game play! If the person you punched has sent squad members after you, they can still only attack/ list you if your in there level range, or you did something to get on there rivals. Otherwise they can only punch.

    If you log on dead, you should be able to heal once and put your stam on a boss earning more XP then one death would cost you. If not, you need to look at your stats. Add some heath. Work out what you want to do in the game and run with it. New players are always coming in here pissing an moaning about how their being killed by higher players when there are very simple ways for it not to happen. You go for a bounty of someone a higher level then you, let them smack you round for a bit, once they attack kill you, you'll be out of their xp range. So they can only list you once after that, then they can only punch you till you drop off there rivals. LET THE PUNCHES GO!!!! If your not on their rivals, they will more then likely forget about you and leave you be, keep punching an they will post you up for friends to play with as well.

    Don't like the above? Then fight back! Higher levels lose a lot more XP then you do, so take enough off them to make them think twice before they come after you.

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