Hit list limit

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Drakmund, May 28, 2014.

  1. Drakmund

    Drakmund New Member

    Looking around for this but is there a limit for higher levels to hit list lower levels? I'm currently level 796 and got hit listed by a player that is level 1582. It doesn't seem right that someone that much higher should be able to hit list me. Shouldn't there be a cap or something?? I could understand if I attacked him but I didn't (only someone else in his clan around my level). Or does attacking someone in a clan open you up to everyone in that clan? Just trying to understand why this is allowed.
  2. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    After level 300 anyone is fair game to be hitlisted provided they have enough cash to place the hit. However subsequent listings within a 24 hour period will cost more than the last so someone is going to need deep pockets to continue to list you.
  3. Drakmund

    Drakmund New Member

    So no cap what so ever? Seems like there should be a 500 level limit rule or something along those lines. Already knew the cost went up, just thought that there were limits for higher levels attacking lower levels.
  4. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    There are limits for attacks via Fights however it is open season for Hitlisting beyond level 300.
  5. Xextreem

    Xextreem Active Member

    The point of this hit list is that you can kill anyone in the game. Even the nr: 1 if you have the dosh aka cash of course. The benefit if you got hit list is that next time the need to pay more. And more and more. So making the story short, how more the hit list you how more the need to pay for you. And everyone els to. So your bounty increase every time when you got hit listed by some one.

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