Hidden Factions on Facebook.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Eraser, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Why does it seem that ALL the big fighting factions hide their members?

    Ive been against the Feature since it came out. Its cowardly. Dont show your lower level members, they might get listed, oh no!!! like a death or two actually slows down thier level up lmao.

    You are supposed to be able to uphold for your own actions, If you dont go listing other factions little members, the majority wolnt do the same to you, and if they throw the first stone... Just go pay them back, and do them a favor of making hurt.

    id also like to raise another point, If you're in a hidden faction, You cant see anyone else... at all...

    Im raising this as a discussion because I now play on facebook, comming from myspace where all the fighting factions show thier members, and Im disgusted to see everyone on facebook hiding.

    Ive sworn from the very first day of the updates release that i would never join a hidden faction. so now Im looking around, and I dont see any faction I can join at all, it either that they have no fighters, and it would just be boring, or they are hiding thier members and it goes totally against my principals.

    Im challenging any of the Fighting factions Id like to join on facebook, to show thier members, so I can join you! (TF,Fits, SOL, BAD)

    If not, Maybe some other players out there are bored in factions with no other fighters, feeling stuck with faction boards talking about who got thier GP and who didnt, and dealing with the "faction alliance" all over thier fight list. People that wolnt add you, but if you attacked them, you would surley be scolded. You guys like to join me? I can help make the game fun, we can team up and have eachothers backs in fights. gang punch, pass hitlist kills, steal rivals money they used to list us, and use it against them. BRING THE PAIN.:cool:

    Im a team player, looking to join a fighting faction, or build one. Either way, Im getting super bored playing this game all by myself.
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    It's is pretty rich of you to come on here and have a dig at low levels being listed. All you did on MS, was list low levels. - Just saying :)

    The faction i started on Facebook was always shown. My death count went up about 600 times over the last 70 levels. Each time i got listed my members were either punched or listed along with me. So I for one, can understand why so many keep their faction hidden.

    Facebook is played completely different from Myspace, you can't take Myspace "rules" over to FB and expect everyone to play along.

    All this talk about fighting, there are really very few fighters left. There's a lot of lister's, but even still, you make them eat a few booby traps and they run for help pretty fast. That's why so many factions are hidden. People like to be "fighters", until they die, then they hide and have someone else fight for them.
  3. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    All i did was list low levels? Thats a strech. lol. If you're speaking when I did list some of the GYPO members... They threw the first stone. helping somone over twice my level, that likes to cheat, and say very lude and disgusting things about my best friend all over the game, punch kill me...

    no relentless, I didnt "just" list low members on myspace, I participated in nearly every game war that took place from the time I joined.

    You came into the game far too late to Judge me- just saying.

    In shown factions, people will get listed, but hey they gotta be unhidden for them to see you. and if they're unhidden you can pay them back the favor. not to mention, That just feeds you more people to beat on. Its a game a little action is what makes it fun. For me anyway... Im sure you would be more happy climbing the fight kills leaderboard without any of the bigger guys going to defend their lower level members that you kill on a daily basis. but alas, thats what keeps you climbing that board now isnt it?

    I do understand why people hide their members, but thats not the game I am looking for. I think you have mis-interpreted my post a bit. Im trying to get a messege out there, that if any of the fighting factions I listed above would be willing to show thier members, they could gain a highly active team player, looking to stir things up and make a little fun. and if not, Maybe there are some other players out there searching for the kind of game that I like to play.

    Laughing to myself. its something like a personals ad.

    "If you like pina-coladas and go dancing in the rain"
  4. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    At your level there is no reason for you (or any in the higher levels) to have any interaction with low levels, unless you go looking for them or a low level attacks you. If they do, you are given a window to make them regret it. What does it matter if there faction is hidden or not? The only reason i can see, is because you want to be able to list the whole faction.

    I kept my faction as shown because i don't see any reason to hide. If my members didn't like that, they didn't have to join.

    That doesn't mean that they should all be listed anytime one gets into a fight, but thats excatly what happens. On one hand it's, Hey you shouldn't hide, a few deaths wont stop you from leveling, then on the other it's, Well if you don't wanna die all the time you should hide your faction. It's a bit of a contradiction.

    The only reason i am killed by high levels, is because of my bounty price. The reason i am listed by so many high levels, is because they don't like hitting that second booby trap :)
  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Well, You see its not always listing the factions sometimes its just punching them Itching for them to fight back. I stopped doing all that hourly punching non-sense either... that is just asking to get ambushed.

    Personally I keep my defense sort of low. Low enough most can win, high enough to stay alive. (You're in my squad, you can check that for yourself) I welcome anyone who likes to trade 40s, to build their fight wins with me. I like to fight.

    Most of the time you see me listing, its because they listed, or published punch on one of my friends, that or they decided they needed to ambush me even tho they can win by attacking me. 41/41 is just not good enough, they need to get 62/20 or better.

    In that case i usually list them several times immediately, request they "stop countering and fight with honor" and depending on the answer... Ill let them go punching me keeping up thier attack counters while I reset mine and ambush them a full 41 and show them how its really supposed to be done.

    In this post tho, I am not requesting anyone unhide their faction so I can fight them... I am requesting so I can JOIN THEM! lol. I cannot join a hidden faction, for I have said that I never will. and i have no desire to join any faction that does not utilize teamwork.
  6. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    What's wrong with the hidden mode?
    Perfectly legit and was a blessing when it came.
  7. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    There isnt a problem with the hidden mode. I am personally having a problem with the absence of any factions I want to join, not using it :)
  8. alka

    alka Banned

    You are kidding aren't you?

    The hidden feature is pathetic to say the least.
    I started my own faction in each app for just me so I can save any faction that starts on me. I even search them out.
    It was a poor addition and fits in with Kano's "nanny" style.
  9. I like the privacy mode. That way my actions don't affect my faction in a negative manner.
  10. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    i agree with you Skywalker i think it is terrible that high levels ( 3000 and up ) hide their members. I guess its because they are afraid of getting hit and attacked. lol
  11. alka

    alka Banned

    If your Faction had proper rulers and guide lines of play your actions would always be valid and should always be given 100% backing by Faction members for any outcome of said actions! Any member not agreeing would have the option to leave if they could not offer support.

    Problem is, Factions,Armada's etc are not proper groups. As long as a player has done their 2 minutes work on GP's that's all the backing they have to give the Faction.

    Bring back the proper fighting Factions and remove the "Hide the Sissy's" option.
  12. Akkhunter1

    Akkhunter1 Member

    Really, it doesnt matter if someone has there guild hidden, its there guild, there choice. Simple as that.
  13. im the beast

    im the beast Member

    i 100% agree, thats y my faction dont hide....not to mention the first 3 on the world bored r hmm.. but anyways agree most do hide but who cares b/c the ones who need to die u can find many diff ways...just my 2 cent, if there was a vote i would vote to remove the hiding......
  14. Sorry, but I don't expect a level 150 to punch anyone that may be giving me trouble. That's just asking for losses and death and it's ultimately futile. I can defend myself quite well. As leader, it's my job to protect them and help them out when I can, not to put them in a position in which they'll just get victimized.
  15. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Id just like to comment, that not directly because of this Thread. but from my presistance to get a fighting faction to open up thier member list. I now have a faction :)

    Not only that, just days after opening members, and my joining, We gained several good fighters onto the team. We are building up fast, looking to be a top faction by next season.

    HM and BAD are now Proudly showing their Roster to the world, and I hope others will follow.

    I have to also mention, THUG is doing quite well comming together too. Gaining members that dominate the fight kills leaderboard.
  16. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    HM's privacy has always been open
  17. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    I would have rejoined if you only asked. :)
  18. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    I just commented because your statement implied that we were private and now we are open, which is simply not true. I am not one to discuss faction invites in the forums. :p
  19. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    I suppose I could see how that could have been misinterpreted. I did not not mean for it to be that way. ill try to shift some words around to make it sound right.... how about.

    BAD has now Joined HM in proudly showing their roster.

    but BAD has not joined, HM... oh i give up.

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