hi5 world boss

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Kano please lower the bosses health.not much time left i dont think we'll make it without intervention from the kano gods
  2. Last night I was watching the world boss on FB. ALL day those hit points barely moved. Then from 1am to 1:23am close to 200 million points were taken care of and the boss was defeated about an hour before the deadline. Thank goodness because I had 43 attacks on that monster and really would like my drops :)


    LeE OTM
  3. i think i had 49 attacks on it lol.

    thanks again to the mighty kano gods
  4. I would say to not really worry about the hit points being lowered but make it so the power attacks move up just a little quicker. Like cut the number of captains needed down a couple hundred to go from one power attack to the next higher one. It was the last day before we finally unlocked the 500/500 power attack and like ??1500ish?? were still needed to unlock the 750/750.

    LeE OTM

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